Aug 6, 2012

Weekend Update

Oh what a great weekend we had! It was our last weekend before school starts back so we had to take advantage of it!

I can't really remember what we did Friday night, so I'm going to start with Saturday. I mean, Friday was a really long time ago, don't you think?!

Saturday morning, I did my Insanity workout. Well, actually, Alex woke me up at 8AM (yay for sleeping in!), and asked me if I was ready to do my workout. #thanksfortheguilttripkid She even already had on her workout clothes! So I told her I would do it eventually but I wasn't ready yet. She settled for putting a different workout DVD on in her room so she could work out. Did I mention she told me that she wants to lose 50 lbs?! She currently weights less than 70 or something. I'm not positive but I'm thinking that might be a pretty extreme goal. So when I went to go take a peak at her working out {i.e. take a picture for Instagram}, she was working out and Kate was sitting there watching. Kate said she wanted to do the video too but Alex said that she didn't have on the right clothes.....poor Kate! After that guilt trip, I did Insanity. The only thing that kept me motivated was knowing that Sunday was my rest day!!!! Then, after that hour workout, I went out to cut the grass......that was killer. I spent 1 1/2 hours cutting. Now that's a workout! We then went to eat and do a little shopping......and we played this game at the restraunt (obviously we were eating at a classy restaraunt) and FH won a DSi! How is that even possible?? Alex got her pictures put up on the machine for winning (because I guess FH didn't want his pic up, I totally would have!). Turns out the box was empty and you have to mail it in, so it will be awhile before we get our DSi, but it was free so that's all that matters!!!

Alex also tried sushi for the first time! She loved it....SHOCKER. This kid eats everything. She gets it from her Dad because I am super picky. Thank goodness she has FH to take her to eat food like that or she would never get to eat it with me!

We were suppose to go to a friend's surprise 30th birthday party Saturday night, but I pulled something in my neck so I was not moving for a good two hours. I was sooooo sad that we missed it! But I knew that I had to rest some or my neck would be killing me. Combine a sore neck with me going non-stop with working out and cutting grass for 3 hours and yeah, it just wasn't happening.

We felt bad because the girls had cute outfits all ready to go to the party. So, we told them to get dressed up cute and we would go to dinner. We went to eat at a local burger joint......again, classy. The girls looked so cute in their new dresses. They also look way too old...

9 going on 16. So true!

So, there are lots of games at the burger joint. We obviously like to stay entertained while we are waiting on our food. Well, there was one of those stuffed animal claw machines, and one animal had a $20 bill attached to it. I tried to get it, failed. FH tried to get it, failed. Kate tried, and suddently the entire place heard screams of two little girls. One of those little girls was Kate, because she got the $20 prize. The other little girl scream was none other than my husband. He was pretty excited for Kate. I was so embarassed.

Please note the fake smile. She was really sick of me taking pics by then!

Saturday night was finished off with some TV. FH and I were so excited to catch up on our DVR....and we were so mad to find out that every single show that we had recorded were re-runs! Dang Olympics! {Please note, I love the Olympics, I'm just equally obsessed with all my normally programed shows.}

Sunday, we went to church. And then shopped. And shopped. And shopped. It was fun! FH needed a new wardrobe so we bought him about 4,362 new polos and some new tennis shoes. The girls got a few items of clothes and some new tennis shoes. Their tennis shoes are a women's size 6! Oh, I had mixed feelings about this. Part of me was super stoked thinking about how in a few years, we will wear the same size so I will have a million pairs of shoes to wear share with them. The other part of me was in denial. How are my babies in women's shoe size?!?! Not. Even. Cool.

We ended Sunday with a stop by Target so that I wouldn't feel left out on the shopping extravaganza. And then home to watch {my all time favorite obsession} Big Brother!!

Whew, that was a long weekend and a super long post!!! Check out some other weekend updates at the link below.

Now bring on Monday. Ready or not, here it comes.

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  1. Wow you were a busy lady! Love that your daughter was eating Sushi, I wouldn't touch it until I was in college! Thanks for linking up :)

  2. I love that 8 am is sleeping in! My son spent the night at my mom's this past weekend and I "slept in" til 7 am. It was magnificent!

    Looks like you guys packed a lot into your weekend. Thanks for joining the linkup!
