Aug 17, 2012

Everybody Gets Down on Friday

Just Because Friday

It's friday, friday, everybody gets down on Friday.
You're welcome.
Please continue to sing that annoying but catchy song all day.

It's safe to say I lurve me some fridays.
I also like to leave work early on fridays.
I'm gonna be strong today though....maybe.

I'm so ready for the freakin' weekend.
FH is off work tonight so we get to spend some much needed time together. Did I mention that I hate his job? Yeah, well, I do. Like, a lot. He works nights so that means I am all alone in our big ole bed every night of the week. Poor little ole me.
But not tonight!

We have a fun weekend planned including movie night at the girls' school tonight, whatever the {blank} we want on Saturday
{I love to plan on not having a plan, I even like to put it on my to do list- do whatever you want/free time}
and then on Sunday we have a get together for his mom's bday....and we will be eating at Red Lobster. Did I mention that I can't eat bread? And that Red Lobster has THE MOST AMAZING bread?

I'm gonna be strong though, just like I was when the husband came home with this:

I'm not sure if you know about carbs or if you have been living under a rock somewhere, but this is basically a box of carbs with sprinkles.

I stayed strong though.....because I'm a freakin' rockstar.

Happy Friday homies!
**Please think of me this weekend every time you eat a piece of bread.**

Follow the link above for some more Just Because Friday posts!
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  1. Here I am girl to see you through revolting the carbs! Damn those donuts look heavenly...

  2. Nooooo, not the Friday song... and way to resist the carbs!
