Aug 28, 2012

Motivated Like a Muther

Some days, I'm motivated like a muther.
Put mac&chz in front of me, no problem. I'm not interested.
Would you like a Dr Pepper? No thanks, I'm trying to quit.
Raining outside? I'm running anyways.

And then some days, I just want to sleep in.
It accomplishes nothing to sleep in.
But you know, sometimes I'm tired.
Sometimes work is tough, and the girls have sports the night before and I just like to have myself a mini pity party and tell myself I deserve a few hours of sleep. Seems extrememly rational at 5AM.
That my husband loves my curves so why am I worried about them?
That I'm already married so I should just relax, it's not like I have to get all fixed up lookin' hot and try to score me a date at the club.
So I should just sleep in {until 6AM}.

Insert pesky husband here.

And the funny part is....he knew he was taking a risk by saying this to 5AM me. He knew I could possibly bite his head off for telling me to get off my arse, but he did it anyways. Why? Because he knows I feel 100% better when I get up and workout. He knows that if I want to accomplish my goal of being a MILF getting in shape, then sleeping an extra hour helps me none.
And also, he knows sometimes I need an extra push.
And for me, I like to make him proud because we are lovey dovey newlyweds.
So, when he made it home from work this morning, and slapped me on the butt and told me good job while I was on a date with Jillian Michaels, it made me happy. And so did my workout.
Much happier than an extra hour of sleep would have.

So, what are you waiting for?
Why skip that bread or mac&chz if you aren't going to work out like heck too?

Happy Tuesday homies!

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  1. I ride the roller coaster every week...every day. Some days I can pass up everything and not care one bit and then others I could care less if I shove everything in my face. I'm extreme one way or the other and I hate it. :(

    I don't even want to be a milf, my goal weight has always been 200 pounds! Or 199 but I'm not looking for 140...oh, for the love of food!

  2. Amen sister. So true. You just motivated me to get up off my butt and do something. You're the best :)

  3. Aww, that's the good kind of husband, one who challenges and encourages you too!

  4. I got your card today!! You may have not even noticed but there were paisley's in the background of the card and I LOVE paisley's!! It was just meant to be!!!!

  5. My diet and workout have hit a crash and I missed bootcamp today. I need your husband to text me! LOL!

    New follower from GFC Hop. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can ;)
