Aug 23, 2012

No Carbs- Day 7

I'm almost done with this challenge.
But I should warn you that once I am finished, I'm probably going to eat a few cheat meals this weekend, then start the challenge again on Monday. It works, what can I say?
And the more I resist good food, the better I get at it.
Plus I've lost 6 lbs in 7 days, so yeah, I'd say it's been a success.
Gotta start somewhere.

Last night I made a delicious dinner which included bread.
And once again, I was successful at resisting. 

So, I should never quit my job and be a food photographer.
Because these don't look half as good as they tasted.
I got the recipe here and they are called Wolf Pack Specials.
We also put them on chips for nachos.
And by "we" of course I mean my fam.
Cause I just got to eat the meat.
Which, by the way, was amazing all alone.
I mean, just check out the smile on this kids face:

Everyone had seconds.

Dang, this post was suppose to be about my no carb diet but instead it's just making me hungry. 
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1 comment:

  1. I did South Beach for a short time ans the no carbs/low carbs sooooo works, but it succccccks!!!!!!! Hard core sucks. Looks like you are doing great!! Good luck :))
