Aug 15, 2012

So What Wednesday

A So What Wednesday Link Up....what a fun idea! This is a linkup that I haven't done before but it sounds good to me.

So what if Red Bull costs more than beer, I'm still buying it. It's my guilty little addiction. Consider it my cigarettes. Or my coffee.

So what if every blogger has that blogger necklace (Sorry, I tried to find a link but I couldn't find one)? I'm pretty sure my chest is too big for it. Do you want one of those pretty little "bubbles" to get lost? I think not.

So what if every time I hear someone talking on their cell phone in the bathroom, I really really REALLY wish that I had a whoopie cushion. I think they seriously deserve it. I just settle for flushing the toilet 326 times so the person on the other end of the phone knows.

So what if I only have a few followers, I still got a blog button. How cute is it?? It's on my sidebar. I am in love with it and it makes me laugh each time I see it. I only hate that it just has one of my kids in it, but she was feelin especially gangsta that day. Please email me if you wanna swap buttons!

So what if it's only's hump day! We are just as close to Friday as we are to Monday!

Happy hump day homies!

Follow the link to find some more So What posts.....

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1 comment:

  1. I know which necklace you're talking about... meh, I don't have one either. And the whoopie cushion idea... funny!!! Some people definitely deserve it.

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Follow this link to check it out! Just skip past all my chatter about Wicked, the award details are halfway through the post :)
    Liebster Award
