Aug 6, 2012

Smell the Roses

What a cute link up idea thanks to Jessica at Lovely Little Things blog. I KNOW that I need to take time to smell the roses so I like the idea of this link up. Today's task is to write a letter to yourself in five years. Here goes nothing.

Dear 35 year old YOUNG self,
You aren't really that old. I mean, just 5 years ago, you were turning 30. 30 is the new 20, in case you haven't heard. I'm sure you don't have gray hair, at least none that you can't see because I'm guess you are still highlighting it blonde anyways.

I hope you are content with life. Above all things, this is what I wish. I hope that you have learned to be comfortable in your own skin. I hope that you don't judge yourself so harshly and that you have finally mastered the eating healthy part of life, still keeping up with your workouts.

I hope you have a baby, because we both know that 35 is the cutoff for this. We don't need no old mommas around here!

I hope you are working hard and enjoying life. I hope you are spending lots of time with your husband and kids, yet leading a successful career. I hope you still appreciate every time your husband does something thoughtful for you, he loves you more than anything.

Never ever forget to stop and smell the roses. There are lots of them around you.

Your Younger (but I'm sure not hotter) Self

Lovely Little Things Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking up, girl :)
    I loved reading your letter!

    Especially the part about being comfortable in your own skin...amen to that!

    Enjoy your Monday!
