Aug 20, 2012

No Carbs Day 2-4

Okay, so I don't really like to blog over the weekend so this will be a combined post.
Days 2-4 weren't as bad as expected.

Friday was day 2.
My second day of zero carbs and my head was feeling it.
I had a super killer headache. I thought it was because I gave up caffeine, or well, at least most. There is caffeine in the meds, but other than that, I wasn't drinking much of it. Now I feel like it is my body's reaction to missing the carbs. Either way, the headaches have been on again and off again. They have been tough but not enough for me to cheat.

It's hard for me to understand that these pills are really working. I'm just tough to sell, I guess.
But the fact that I have made it to Day 5 and I am not in a horrible mood, I haven't been tempted enough to give up, and the fact that I am not killing over in hunger pains means that they are working.

Saturday was day 3.
This worked out perfectly because on Day 3, you get a "cheat meal". I don't know how much of a cheat meal it is, but you get to eat whatever you want as long as the meal is not over 500 calories. Luckily, I realized that there were items at Taco Bell that I could eat. Oh, that was exciting!!!! You are suppose to sprinkle this stuff called "cheat" on your food before you eat it. It's basically something that fools your body into expanding the food and making your body think it's fiber, or something like that. Either way, it made me feel super full! It was either that or the fact that my stomach has shrunk a little, but either way, I was full!
I also finally tried putting unsweetened Almond milk in my shake at night. I had trouble finding unsweetened, and the regular had carbs, but I finally found some at Kroger. I combined the milk, ice cubes, protein powder, unsweetend coco powder, and cinnamon and blended it all up. I have to say, it was delicious. It was almost like a milkshake. And it took me so much longer to drink than just a regular (super thin) protein shake. It was a good treat!

Sunday was Day 4.
I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't pretty.
Headache continues.
It almost felt like how most people describe a migraine.
I took a 4 hour nap during the middle of the day and still didn't wake up feeling great. I didn't cheat at all so I'm really really proud of myself. I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache still, but I just drank more water.

I am down 5 lbs after 4 days. I actually gained a lb back after my cheat day but then lost it again after day 4. I'm interested to see how much I lose at the end of the 8th day.

All-in-all I think I'm doing pretty well.
But I can say that if I weren't so determined, this diet probably wouldn't be working. I have had many chances to cheat and many excuses to, but I have refused. If I weren't so fed up with being overweight, I think I would have given up by now.
So, if you aren't super determined with this diet, I wouldn't even try it. There is no halfway, it's all or nothing.
I'm just glad I finally reached a point that I am ready to give it my all. I think reading the success stories has really really helped me stay motivated.

If  you want to read about my Day One on this diet, please go here.
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1 comment:

  1. I had a rough time with days 1-4... but I finally increased my protein intake to 6 OZ (sometimes more) and by the end of day 5 I felt like I could do it forever! I don't weigh myself but I just posted progress pics this weekend. Hope you are finally feeling better!
