Aug 9, 2012

Inspire Me Healthy

Okay, it's that time's the weekly healthy check-in!

I'm totally not lying when I say that I didn't want to get up and do Insanity Wednesday morning, but I kept thinking, no way! I will have to admit on my blog that I didn't follow thru and I don't want to be a loser in the blogosphere.

Now that's motivation.

But then I skipped this win some, you lose some.

So, I'm on my second week of Insanity. It still kills. I regret to inform you that I also skipped Tuesday morning. I would like to blame it on the fact that I slept through 3 {THREE} alarm clocks and 2 different texts, but obviously I could have done it Tuesday night and I didn't.

I haven't lost any weight yet. It's so frustrating. But I have known all along that eating is my weakness. I like to blame this on my {I eat every 3 hours} husband, but it's more my fault for having no willpower and for loving all things sugar.

So, I am taking control!! Everyone always says planning is key so that's what I did last night. I planned out my lunch and snacks. And then I made cookies for my kids and husband and DIDN'T EAT ONE. I ate greek yogurt instead. Now that's crazy folks. {please take notes, cause it might now happen again.}

All in all, I'm happy with my progress this week. Not {I can't believe I lost so much weight} happy, obviously, but I am proud that I haven't given up. Lord knows it took me more than a couple of weeks to get all this weight on me, so it's gonna take awhile to get it off.

Have you tried to follow my blog? Check out what I realized the other day........

Now go check out the other blogs that linked up and Get Inspired!!!

A Mommas Desires And Pacifiers
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  1. It is so hard to eat healthy and get up early in the morning to get a workout in! My struggle is that I work out really good for about 4 weeks and then I just stop! What the heck! Then it's like I have to start all over again! I haven't tried Insanity but it looks really hard! I prefer Zumba :) Have you tried that before? Thank you for sharing and I know you can do it!!
    Oh, and you aren't a moron by they way! I'm a new blogger myself and it has been harder than I thought! Hope you stop by and become a follower of my blog too ;) Let me know what you think.

  2. Take control, lady! It's so hard...especially with husbands and kids who can eat anything. :)

    I am with you on this... I hope you stay strong this weekend and get out of a nice walk.

    Happy Thursday!

  3. Good for you for trying and sticking with it! No ones perfect and some days you just cant do it but hey just try your best! Thats all you can do!!

    Thanks for linking up!!

