Aug 23, 2012

Inspire Me Healthy- Week 4

A Mommas Desires And Pacifiers
First off, I just have to say, I big heart this link up.
Now, moving on.

Let's talk about no carbs.
Cause that's what I have been doing for the past week.
You can read about it here, here, here, and here.
I can't say I have had zero carbs as I do get cheat meals, but I can say that it FEELS like I have had no carbs.

People that I work with are starting to look like pieces of bread.
I try to tell myself that it's an illusion. Because it is. I think.
Or else carbs are coming after me.
They probably actually do miss me, we were pretty tight.
Diet Dr Pepper also probably misses me.
I haven't seen it's face, or tasted its' goodness in a week!
That's front page news y'all!
Me and DDP are like BFF.
Day in and day out we spent together.
Well, it's over.
For now, anyways.
I'm cheating on him with water.
Water is normally like that guy you dated in high school, you know where you break up with him because "he would make a great husband, you just aren't looking for a husbad right now".
I know I need water in my life, I just haven't accepted it.
I'm still not sure if I'm ready for it.
Every time I chug my water, I try to pretend like I'm at a frat party and every one is around me chanting "Chug, chug, chug".
That usually helps, cause I don't want to dissappoint a crowd of frat kids even though I'm old enough to be their mom.

The good news is that I have found a new form of punishment.
You did bad on your spelling test? You got in trouble at school today?
That's right. You can have dinner, but you can't have those yummy carbs.
This could mean a whole new life for us.
No longer will my kids act out, great grades will be had by all.

Today is the last day of this torture my challenge.

Saturday, I plan to pig out.
I'm really freaking excited about it too.
Hopefully I won't do too much damage and can get back on track after being so bad.

I guess we'll find out on the next Inspire Me Healthy Thursday.

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1 comment:

  1. My suggestion is dont cut out carbs totally. Your body NEEDS them. Just try to take in healthy carbs. Keep up the good work!
