Aug 15, 2012

If I Ran the World.....

What a fun link up party over at the Life of Bon and let the record show that if she ruled the world, it would be a whole lot cooler {insert Matthew McConaughey via Dazed and Confused impression}. So make sure you go read her post and imagine her world.

Now, on to my lame world and how I would run it....first off, wait, what? I'm not in charge here? I kinda thought I was, or I pretend to be. I love that my husband lets me pretend....I mean, after all, he is the head of our family and I am the neck.

If I ruled the world {great, now I can't get that song out of my head, thanks for that, guess I will have to sing along as I type the rest of this post}, life would be great.

All men would look like this:

Totally kidding, they'd actually look like this:

Dang, my husband is hot stuff. :)

If I ruled the world, you could have an amazing figure and still munch on doughnut holes (omg) and pizza dipped in white cheese dip topped with ice cream {that acutally sounds gross, but I just wanted to combine all my favorite things}....and you had to do was BELIEVE and you could have flat, hard abs.

In other words, have your cake and eat it too.

If I ruled the world, there would be no homework for children under the age of middle cramps my style. Once they are old enough to do it on their own, then we can talk. Maybe.

If I ruled the world, moms would get extra time in the day and would require less sleep. They would also all have maids.

If I ruled the world, I would retire at the age of 35, then travel the world with my family, which wouldn't cost anything {obviously, since I wouldn't have a job}.

If I ruled the world, work emails would answer themselves, problems would solve themselves, and I could loose weight the more I typed.

If I ruled the world, baby daddies would be nicer and would realize that their money was actually for the kids not the baby momma. And there would be no complaints.

If I ruled the world, my handwriting would be prettier.

If I ruled the world, everyone would follow my blog. :) So I didn't feel like I was talking to myself all the time.

And finally, if I ruled the world, every day would be Saturday.

***Please note, I just realized the name of the link up was "if I ran the world" but I literally could NOT get that song out of my head so all of my post says "if I ruled the world". haha, guess I'll leave it, cause fixing it involves more work.***
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  1. LOVE IT!
    Gave you a shout out when I wrote mine :)

  2. Good Morning!! I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Leibsteer Award!! :) Go to my page and you will get all the info you need to post it on to your blog! Can't wait to see what you come up with ! Have a good day
