Aug 30, 2012

Inspire Me Healthy- Week 5

Dont Quote The Raven
Do you want to know the best motivation ever?
Like real live friends, internet blogger friends, facebook friends, twitter friends {even though I still can't force myself to love twitter}, and last {but FO SHO not least} instagram friends.
Gosh, I feel cool with all these virtual friends.
{Insert Brad Paisley's song "I'm So Much Cooler Online". Ha.}
So back to the point.
I love all my internet peeps.
You know why?
Because I sure as heck don't want to upload a pic of me looking like a fatty. And I don't want to write a blog about working out and then go sit my fat butt on the couch. Well, okay, I want to do that one, but I know it will get me nowhere.
I haven't lost much since last week.
And by "much" I really mean none.
Details, details.
I'm SLOWLY becoming a healthy person though.
I choose low carbs like a lifestyle nowadays.
I love to sweat.
I try to get my daily exercise in always.
And I am learning that every single thing that I eat counts.
No more of this "it's just one tiny piece of candy" or "it's only 4 lbs of honey mustard, what can it hurt?" business.
The moral of the story is, I'm still inspired.
And I'm pretty proud of that.
You know why?
Because normally after a couple of weeks of being inspired,
I fall off the wagon.
I decide I'm fat and happy and that's okay.
Staying on the wagon this time.
And hoping to take up less room on that darn wagon too.

Now, let's get started working on week 6!
Did I mention I love this linkup?
Pin It Now!


  1. It's all about baby steps and starting to make better choices. Do as good as you can each day, and that will make a different. And don't forget that doing a little is way better than doing nothing!

  2. Stay on the wagon, you got it lady!!!!

  3. This link up is helping keep me accountable, which is something i totally need. Good luck!

  4. Whoot for staying on the wagon! And it's so true... friends are a great motivation!

  5. Sounds like you are taking so many steps in the right direction! Keep it up and it will come off and you will feel and look great!

  6. I usually fall off the wagon too so yay for both of us!
