Dear Friday, I'm so glad you're here. But I'm equally pissed that it is my busiest day of the month at work.
Why does that have to fall on a Friday?
I'm also pretty pissed that EVEN THOUGH it's the busiest day of the month, my boss took off work.
Oh don't worry, I'll make sure EVERYTHING gets taken care of.
{Sorry, I'm just a little bitter this morning!}
Moving on.
Dear husband, when you tell me that you are going out to cut the grass, and I see this:
well, most wives might think you were trying to get out of doing it, but me? I'm proud.
The main part reason we have kids is so we can put them to work.
I'm just excited that you discovered that we never have to cut the grass again. {Stay tuned for pictures of them doing more household chores since I'm going to let them do it all.}
Dear Honey Boo Boo's Momma, you are a hot mess.
You make me feel like Mom of the Year.
Yet, I continue to watch you.
And I'm making you a rich redneck by watching the madness, but well, what can you do?
She's laughing all the way to the bank with that nasty forklift foot. {Vomit.}
Dear Big Brother, Holy Heck I love you. And I would honestly try out for your show if the husband wouldn't freak out when I mention it.
Poor Britany went home...I just hate it and I could feel her pain.
Dear blog readers, apparently I'm obsessed with reality TV.
{I have no life.}
No, but really, I'm just obsessed because I love train wrecks.
They make me feel like my life is amazing.
And that I'm a stellar person.
Dear believers/prayers/readers, could you say a tiny prayer for my family? All jokes aside {only for like half a second}, I am willing to chop off my left arm and my right arm to find my husband a day job.
I need him to sleep next to me at night. Cause who else is gonna chase after robbers if they break in the house in the middle of the night?
Not me, that's for sure.
His night job at the local strip club is going to be the death of me.
Although, I will have to learn to sleep on my side of the bed if he actually does get a day job.
Dear 5 o'clock, are we there yet?
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