Dec 18, 2012

R.I.P. Sparkle

Last night was a bad night.
Alex's fish bit the dust.
He took the plunge.
He moved on to be with bigger fish in the sky.
He went down the toilet.

It was a sad night.
We didn't realize there was a death in the family until I was tucking her into bed and then she lost it.
She's had that fish for over a year and took really good care of it.

I swear that fish had 9 lives.
FH & I went on our honeymoon and came back in town a week later to a still swimming, super active fish.
One time last year, we thought he/she/how do you tell on a fish was dead only to find out an hour later that it was faking.
But this time it's for real.

Something about fish in our house around Christmas time.
Kate lost her fish in December of last year.

In other news, I finally got off my butt yesterday and went running.
I finished week 6 of my 10K trainer app.
It was a 5 minute warmup and then a 22 minute run.
Sometimes I can walk faster than I run, but that's not the point.
I had to take two 30 seconds breaks in my running, but it was necessary. I was proud when I finished.
So proud that I came home and ate peppermint bark chex mix.

I think I should start a website with human shaming.
Similar to dog shaming...but with humans {obvs}.
The first picture would be me, in my sweaty glory, holding up a sign that said "I ran 3 miles and then came home and ate chex mix" with a guilty look on my face.

Regardless of my guilty chex mix indulgance....
After reading several blogs like this one and this one,
{now you have to follow the links to see which blogs I'm talking about, see what I did there?}
I've decided that I'm starting a running group.
The problem is that I've never actually been in a running group.
I have girls that are interested so now I just have to make it happen.
So, tell me, how do I keep the fast runners motivated without discouraging the slower runners/walkers?
Does everyone run together?
Or do we set a goal of a finish line and everyone finishes on their own?
Help! I want to make this successful and help other runners in the process. And I just really want to have a party with all of them at my house too, but that's not the point.

And now, I have to figure out if Santa is going to bring a new fish to our house...our track record with fish is not too great, but I'm not interested in any bigger pets.

Happy Tuesday/One Week before Christmas!!!!!

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  1. Awe poor fishy!
    U had to laugh when you said you can sometimes walk faster than you run... That is me too. ;)

  2. Look up 'Moms Run This Town'. It's a nation wide running group that has different groups in different towns. If there's not one you can start one. I'm down with the human shaming site. I run then eat ice cream... FML. I coyldebe the cover child.

  3. Dog shaming picures are hilarious!

  4. Awww so sorry about the fish :( Losing a pet is such a sucky situation. Thanks so much for the sweet shout out to me and Kassie! I love these kinds of surprises! When we run in our gorup, we all follow the same predetermined route, we stretch together, and start off the run together, everyone runs at their own pace, and we wait for each other to finish. No one gets left out on the road by themselves! Then we all sit around and talk for way longer than nessecary and sometimes we grab breakfast and now we've started drinking and partying together too. Win win win! Good luck!

    1. Yeah, what she said! I can tell you that running with a group is 100000x more motivating than running alone. You're doing a great thing, miss thing!

  5. Love the dog shaming pictures, they are too funny. I can only imagine the hilarity that would ensue from human shaming.

    The running group is a great idea and I might have to swipe it. You can only run on the treadmill while staring at tools for so long.

  6. I was sad when my fish died, but my parents cheered me up cause we made sushi that night.

    Just kidding.


  7. I want to start or find a running group too. Please share when you figure it all out, then I can copy you. =)

  8. I'll join your running group! Sorry about the fish!
