Dec 17, 2012

Be There At 6 PM

What an exhausting weekend.
and what a FUN weekend!

Let me start off by telling you a funny story.
So the BFF is late everywhere she goes.
I am usually early.
So I like to tell her to be places before she actually has to be there.
Normally when I tell her an early time, I laugh so she knows I'm joking but only joking so she won't be late.
When she asked me what time my party was I told her 6.
Mind you, there was an fb invitation that said 7.
And she is an fb ninja so I assumed she saw it and knew I was joking.
So Saturday night at 6:45 I get a random text.
Something along the lines of calling me a dirty name and asking me what time the party REALLY started.
I was confused.
And I told her 7.
She called me out and said I told her 6 in an email and she just drove by my house and no one was there but us.
She was cussing me because I gave her the wrong time....
and so I informed her that she was 45 minutes late then!!!
It was hilarious and she was the first guest to arrive.
I'm actualy quite proud of her and will be doing this again to her in the future. :)

So, friday, shopping with my momma.
That was fun.
And I'm pretty sure I'm finished with my Christmas shopping now...except for last minute randoms that I decide people must have.
FH has at least 426 presents under our tree.
He might be a little spoiled.
So much so that my daughter told me I should buy some presents for myself and wrap them instead of buying him more stuff.

Saturday, I cleaned ALL DAY LONG.
I love how clean my house gets when I throw a party.
I should make it a point to throw one at least every other month or so and then my house would get a regular deep cleaning.
We also had a basketball game Saturday....brought home another W.
Our girls are just really good.....and I'm so proud that my sweet girls are finally being aggressive.
It only took me a few years of telling them to pretend like every girl that has the ball is your sister so be mean.
Of course, Kate always gets mean when I want to take a picture of her with her sister.
One day I will blackmail her with pics like this:

The Christmas party was great.
FH&I planted a gag gift in the dirty santa exchange and everyone just about died laughing when it was opened.
There was TONS of food.
But leave it to me to not take pictures.
The girls stayed in the house while the boys were "playing" out in the garage.
And there may or may not have been a little bit of Magic Mike on the tv.....

It was NOT fun cleaning up after the party the next house looked like a tornado came through...and I had just scrubbed it from top to bottom the day before.
Totally worth it though to be able to hang out with great friends.
One of my friends made these GREAT christmas props for our photo booth....and we didn't use one single one of them.
I'm so mad we forgot about them, but at least K&A put them to good use once they got home on Sunday.
That poor child really has her leg kicked up since she was going to kiss's gonna be a looooong couple of years when she gets to be a teenager.

The girls also insisted that FH&I open up an early christmas present...and well, I'm not one to turn down a gift.
I knew the girls made us plates at school.
I remember making these for my mom when I was little and she still has every one of them so I was anxious to see how they looked.
I'm really proud of both of them and I'm so excited to have these.

And you know it's true love of my child that I appreciate a plate that has a big orange T on it!

I can't believe Christmas is just around the if we can just survive this work week and hopefully it will go by quickly!

Happy Monday everybody!

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  1. I'm the one who's always late to everything! I think it is hilarious that you told her 6 so even though she was late, she was early. The party looks like it was a lot of fun. I think I'm going to have to rent Magic Mike one of these days, just to see what its all about.

  2. I think you should post a funnel pic on here...your readers need to see you have some real fun! ha. I'm so sad you didn't tell me about the photo booth! #slacker

  3. Awesome! I always tell MFD and one of my BFFS the wrong time because they're always late!

  4. Fake it till we make it this week. Four dayer for me- sounds like a great weekend for ya'll! Love the picture props!

  5. I'm sad I missed a viewing of Magic Mike at what looked like a fabulous party! I could watch Channing do his dance to "Pony" a million times. And then again after that. Glad you had a great weekend :)

  6. I love the plate that says "We will win the big game today! We will win all the games" That's the spirit girl! Looks like your party was a blast. Magic Mike makes every occasion better, in my opinion. Minus creeper Matthew McCoughnehey (only in this movie though.)

  7. parties are fun, but yeah the cleanup is always a little rough. we're actually having a house party tonight... and my house is a wreck. oh well.

    have a great day!

  8. What was the gag gift? I'm dying of curiosity! :)

  9. Hahaha what a great idea to get your friend to be there on time, too bad that technically she was still 45 minutes late. How funny. I'm glad you had fun at the Christmas party, I am dying to know what the gag gift was! New follower : )

  10. Gosh my husband makes me late to everything! haha Look like the party was fun :) Can't believe its less then a week away!
