Dec 13, 2012

Momma Don't Need No Presents

I love that my kids are thoughtful.
They love buying presents.
They try so hard to make sure they buy me something for Christmas that I really want. But sometimes what I want and what they think I want are slightly different.

For my birthday this year,
Kate got me a University of Memphis Tiger pillowpet.
Now, she was right, I do LOVE my tigers!!!
But that pillowpet? It sits on her bed, not mine.
I would put it on my bed since she bought it for me, but somehow my gift was taken from me before it made it to my room.
The same year, Alex got me a picture frame for the wall.
She said she had to go to Target because that was my favorite store.
Smart girl.
I love the picture frame, but she just HAD to put pictures in it....and she didn't have time to get pictures printed out, so she found the most random pictures she could find and put them in the frame.
And these were all pictures that were laying around the house that weren't put in a frame for a reason...
I don't have the heart to change out the pictures so it sits in my room,
on the floor.

One year the girls were super smart and got me a Target giftcard!
But the thing about giftcards is that they are super fun to get but not very fun to give.

This year, the girls were talking about my Christmas presents and what they are going to get me.
Poor girls, they couldn't keep a secret if their life depended on it.

Alex said "Oh, I know what I am getting you, Mom. Best present ever."
A few minutes later she says "Mom, you like Taco Bell, don't you?"

Kate said "Mom, I think I'm gonna go to like jewelry don't you?"
Me: "No, Kate, you know, I really don't wear jewelry that often."
Bullet dodged.

No matter what the girls get me I will love it.
I think I enjoy listening to them talk about shopping more than I enjoy actually getting the gifts.
And FH has a great time talking to them about what to buy....
Bless his heart.
I've already overheard him say several times "No, I think that is something you would want, not something Mom would want."

Is anyone else as excited as I am about Christmas hurrying up and getting here so we can open presents?!
FH is killing me showing me the tracking of presents that he ordered me.

Hope everyone is having a killer Thursday. Can't wait for the weekend!!
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  1. Me! Me! Me! I'm ready for Christmas! I may be worse than the kids when it comes to being impatient at Christmas! So funny about your girls. You sure you don't want some walmart jewelry Lora?? I bet you'd rock it!

  2. HAHAHA my girlies do the same thing! It is so cute listening to them talk about what they want or are getting me ;) No secrets in our house LOL

  3. I am so ready for Christmas! And hazel isn't at the age to buy yet so basically it'll be Jonathan and her crafting me a gift... I love homemade gifts so I'm excited for what they come up with :)

    By the way... who is FH? I'm a new reader??

  4. Lol I find it too funny that they buy you things they would like! I'm pretty sure I was guilty if that a time or two as a kid. Maybe even now too!

  5. haha this is hilarious, I know I got my mom the dumbest things that I thought she would adore, whoops
