Dec 14, 2012

Top 5 Reasons Smart Phones have made us Dumb

It's Friday!
You know what that means?
I don't want to use my brain at all today.
Unless it's to write that email to the boss requesting to leave early.
But I pretty much have that email saved from sending it every single Friday.

I realized recently that my smart phone makes me dumb.
It really does.
It also distracts me from almost everything I do...hold on, I have a text...
okay, I'm back.
See what I did there?

Stupid Apple.
Why didn't I think of smart phones first?
Then I could come out with a new iPhone every other week so people just HAD to upgrade.
I swear, I almost thought of it first.
And now that everyone has smart phones, life is impossible if you don't have one.

Kind of like facebook.
It might annoy the crap out of me, and I might consider deleting my account...but do you know that even my work has a facebook account now? I can't keep up with what's going on in the world if I get rid of facebook. If only I could stalk keep up with everything but delete my account.

Oh well, I couldn't have survived without fb anyways, who am I fooling?

Okay, back to my smart phone making me not smart.
I have come up with the top 5 reasons that an iphone has changed my life. Maybe it has changed yours too?

1. math homework. You might not know this, but I'm an accountant. Math is one of my favorite subjects and I WAS quite good at it. But now when my kids ask me to check their math homework, I whip out my smart phone with it's handy calculator and finish in 5 minutes flat. I can't add anymore, I can't subtract, and don't even get me started on division.
2. history/science/any other homework. No, I'm not going to go to the glossary in the back of the book to help you find this answer Kate/Alex. I'm gonna google it. Cause it's faster. And easier. And my phone is already in my hand. "Really Mom, didn't you go to school?" I sure did....and I learned to be resourceful....and I graduated college so that I could make enough money to afford an iPhone. So I could use google.
3. gossip. It's so much easier with an iPhone. Just the other day at our work Christmas party, we were gossiping, maybe. I won't say for sure...but it's no longer "Do you know so-and-so? Here, let me bring up her fb profile to show you her picture." or "Did you see that girl he was with? Here, let me show you who he checked in with on Friday night." You see, even gossip has changed. We have solid proof on some things. And can facestalk at any given moment.
4. Have you noticed that when you go into someone's home nowadays, there's something missing from the bathroom? Yep, there's no magazine rack sitting next to the toilet. You know why? Cause people have their iPhones in their hands so they don't need to browse a random Reader's Digest while laugh, but you know it's true.
5. Pictures. I can take a picture of ANYTHING nowadays. I would have even more pictures if my phone weren't so ancient. Not a moment is missed, especially if you are a blogger.

And now, take away our iPhones, and the world will be chaos. Similar to a zombie apocolypse....

Well played Apple, well played.

Can you survive without your iphone?
Is there something else that you can't live without??

Happy Freaking Friday Y'all!!!!
PS Christmas party at my house Saturday night....come one, come all...or maybe not, but I will be keeking! :)

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  1. No I can not live without my iphone. It's smack dab in front of me right now as I type this. However, I don't think it's made us dumb, I prefer "utilizing all of your resources". Besides, like you said, this is why we went to college right? To afford iphones and to play dumb :) Great post, you make me LOL! Hope you get to leave early Lora! Happy Friday!

  2. I can't live without it. I just tried subtraction yesterday, 136 minus 50 something. I just remember thinking "wait... 3 minus 5... I know there's a rule about this, borrowing from the 100 spot... Oh well, calculator time." That's just sad. I definitely use it for gossip too!

  3. You are so right! Yea we're both accountants and we stink at simple math....what the heck! Us gossiping? Who would have thought? :) Lordy gordy don't get me started on Facebook.

    I can't survive without chapstick! I winged myself from Carmex but now I'm using/addicted to EOS. I have 2 in my purse, 1 in my bathroom drawer, 1 on the nightstand, 1 in Dillon's bathroom drawer, and 1 in the end table. My husband thinks I'm looney but I swear my lips will fall off!

    Happy, Happy Friday!

  4. First off I have an Android much better. But I agree. Can't live without it. GPS, music, camera, I mean do you need anything else???

  5. I hate to admit it, but, no I can't survive without my phone. I dropped it over a year ago and it died and you would think after being up ALL night and working 13 hours I would have gone home and gone to bed.! Straight to Apple I went! Heck...I could not have even gotten up without the thing because it's even my alarm clock. Hahaha!

  6. Heck I can't live without my phone. It stabs me in the heart to say this because I saw that this... devil machine is making me stupid and more of an idiot every day. I want to get rid of it but I can't every 5 seconds I check my phone for a text. Boy don't even get me started on Facebook and Instagram. I tried to get rid of my phone one day and it actually worked because I woke up closed my eyes and threw my phone somewhere in my mansion and in a million years u couldn't find it, and I started to get better at stuff and more focused but then one day my son found a phone lying in his stack of toys and I said I could handle the phone now but after a text...well....guess what happened next

  7. Heck I can't live without my phone. It stabs me in the heart to say this because I saw that this... devil machine is making me stupid and more of an idiot every day. I want to get rid of it but I can't every 5 seconds I check my phone for a text. Boy don't even get me started on Facebook and Instagram. I tried to get rid of my phone one day and it actually worked because I woke up closed my eyes and threw my phone somewhere in my mansion and in a million years u couldn't find it, and I started to get better at stuff and more focused but then one day my son found a phone lying in his stack of toys and I said I could handle the phone now but after a text...well....guess what happened next
