Dec 3, 2012

Every Party has a Pooper

And today, that pooper is me.
For reals, I just wrote an entire post about how grumpy I am today, and Blogger erased it. I hear ya blogger, I hear ya.
"Put on some big girl pants and deal with it, Lora!" said Blogger.
I'm so mad that I could spit bullets. Not really, I have just always wanted to say that.
So let's recap. Tricks on you blogger, I'm not going to retype that entire was boring, I get it!
I'm grumpy today.
Blah, blah, blah, not sure why, blah, blah, blah.
I'll do better tomorrow. And turn my frown upside down.
Blah, blah, blah.

I'm sure you picture me as a well organized who plans her posts and has them all written out ahead of time. You couldn't be more wrong.
I fly by the seat of my pants with blogging. Maybe that's my problem.
I don't even know what I am going to write about 2 sentences ahead of time usually, I just kind of ramble {"we know Lora, we can tell" said all five of my followers that actually read}

I like this technique of blogging. Instead of me for instance posting a picture of myself in heels and a super cute outfit, while typing in PJs and my hair in a freaking bird's nest on top of my head and no makeup. That's false advertisement people! If I look like a hot mess on Friday, I'm not gonna post a picutre of Tuesday so you can be all like Aww she looks cute today. Side note: don't worry, I never post pictures of outfits cause my sweatshirt-jeans combo aren't blog worthy. Or if I'm in a grumpyA mood, you don't have a peppy post written two weeks ago. Keeping it real folks, just keeping it real.

And since I'm keeping it real, and I'm not feeling it today, I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. Hello to my new followers, so glad you are here! I swear, I am normally not grumpy. Leave a comment to say hi if you are new and I swear I will be back tomorrow in a chipper mood....

Happy Monday Non-Grumpy People!
Pin It Now!


  1. HA.. It's called getting up at 4 am everyday:) Hope you become less grumpy throughout the day.

  2. Yeah, I pretty much come up with my posts on the fly as well. If only I could find/invent some machine to translate what goes on in my head to a blog post. Now, that would be entertainment!

  3. I keep it real too, and don't write out ahead of time.

    Most days I don't even want to look at what I'm wearing. hahahah

  4. Case of the Mondays! You are still hysterical! LOL Hope tomorrow is better for ya!

  5. I'm grumpy too...sometimes I despise Mondays.

  6. I do always think you are organized! I always love all your posts!!

  7. Its the food we are being denied. BTW raw egg smoothie yesterday- still alive today! what up!

  8. My posts are random and unplanned too :) I love your posts!
