Dec 31, 2012


Yep, that's a sad excuse for a title.
But guess what?
On this day, next year, when I am searching for my New Years Resolutions, I won't have trouble finding it.
So, there.

My goals for 2013.
Some small.
Some large.
Some impossible.
Some will be given up before Jan the 7-ish.
Not the point.
These are the goals.

1. Have a baby. Or at least have a bun in this oven before Christmas.

2. Slap a 13.1 sticker on the back of my car. Even if #1 happens. Or if that doesn't work out, go to the store and buy a sticker and slap it on my car. {My momma always taught me that there is more than one way to skin a cat.}

3. Pay off my credit card. Instead of making a payment, then going out the same day and charging on it so that it kind of defeats the purpose of said payment. Except of course to make sure my credit is still perfect because I'm a little sensitive about my number.

4. Buy a shed {or build a shed if I decide to be real dangerous in 2013-not gonna happen} for our backyard. Move all junk from our garage into the shed. Outta sight, outta mind.

5. Buy a golf cart to put in that spot in the garage. Sorry, FH, you thought that spot was for your truck?

6. Buy a bike. One with a big booty seat (obviously).

7. Ride that bike at least once or twice. Or at least take a picture of myself sitting on it. For blogging purposes, obviously.

8. Host a favorite things party. This sounds soooo fun and I really want to do it. Any excuse to host a party is good enough for me!

9. Do a big giveaway on my blog. I don't know what to give away, or when to give it away, but somebody needs to win something up in here.

10. Reach 500 followers. Or more. Basically become a cool kid. I just want more friiiiiiiieeeeeends!

11. Start my online shop with Janessa. We have big plans for 2013! Now, we just have to get the ball rolling.

12. Go on more blates. Cause that's what married people do. They go on dates, with bloggers, called blates. Who wants to go on one?? I'll meet you halfway.....

13. Take my kids to the beach.

14. Save up vacation time at work and not leave early every Friday. Yeah, who am I kidding? That will never happen. Me no likey work.

15. Lose 864 lbs. Before and After #1 happens. After all, this should help with #10. Before/After pics bring all the bloggers to the yard. Win-win.

16. Start a bunco group.

17. Go on dates with my husband on the reg.

18. Buy a rental house.

19. Take FH to the horse races in Hot Springs. He hasn't ever been and I LOVE horse races!

20. Be a good blogger, finish my book {oh you didn't know?}, and make people laugh on a daily basis or at least die trying.

Easy enough.
Bring it 2013, I'm ready!!

Happy 2012 friends! I have loved getting to know each and every one of you (that has commented) this year and I hope to get to know more of you that silently stalk my blog never leave comments!!

Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do. :)
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  1. Glad you made a list so now I don't have to. Ditto what you said. Especially number 8 and 12. : )

  2. Blate me!!!!! (I'm a blating whore like that) And if you figure out the magical way to get more followers to the yard, let me know. I could use some fresh ideas.

  3. Do tell about the favorite things party! That sounds like fun. I would also like to blate you. TN isn't that far away from MO!

  4. I never thought I'd be able to do your #2...and this year I made it happen. :) You can do it too!!!

  5. Hosting a favorite things party is on my To Do list too!

  6. Love your list! I have several of the same goals. Love number 2! I want one of those stickers one day too!

  7. Yay for our shop!! I can't wait to get that going!! Ok now tell me, what's the golf cart for? Lol

  8. I think a favorite things party would be fun! Oh and I have wanted to do bunco for years!

  9. Golf cart?! I love your #1 :) Also, I want to be in your bunco group!
