Dec 5, 2012

Redneck Christmas

FH and I had this great idea.
I wasn't going to blog about it because my kids have been known to read my blog. True story.
If you are reading now K&A, STOP! Or you will get a spanking asap. :)
I decided I would go ahead and blog about it and if they read it then I will just do what most guilty people do.

 Deny. Deny. Deny.

I wrapped a few Christmas presents while the girls were at their Dad's house this weekend. I knew they would freak if they got home and there were presents under the tree but none for them. So we looked through the stuff we had already bought and found something to wrap.
We were so excited about what we were wrapping because we just knew that the girls would NEVER be able to guess what the presents were.
They had NEVER mentioned that they wanted these gifts.
They had NEVER even talked about getting them before.
We just thought that the gifts would be something cool for FH to do with them and that they would really enjoy it.

Side note:
Kate told me all she wanted for her birthday (which is in March, I should add. they plan ahead) was to go hunting.
My husband isn't a hunter.
Neither is their dad.
Good luck on getting that birthday present, Mom.
I have a few hunters lined up so I'm hoping one of them follows through for us. If not, looks like I'll be hunting somehow. And by hunting, I mean we might find a treehouse to sit in, dress in camo, and freeze. Of course I'll make sure to wait until it's about 2 degrees outside, and I will wake them up at 4AM, and warn them that when you hunt, you can't talk at all.
That should be the last time that they want to go.

Back to the presents.
So, they were all wrapped up and under the tree when K&A got home Sunday night.

And in walks Kate.
Right up to the Christmas tree.
She doesn't even take a second to think, she just looks over at us and says "Oh cool, we got guns!" and then picks up the smaller present, shakes it and says "and bullets!"
{my mouth drops to the floor}

Then in walks Alex.
She was outside so she DIDN'T hear her sister talking.
Immediately looks at tree and says "Oh cool! I know what those are!"
and then all together now "we got guns!" {Man, wouldn't it be cool to have a twin so you could say the same thing at the exact same time?}
{my mouth drops even farther}


Me: Why would we buy y'all guns?
Michael: We don't have any little boys in this house. Why would guns be under the tree?
{mouth still dropped}

Kate shakes bullets small present and says "See, it sounds like BBs."
Me: How do you even know what BBs sound like? That could be a big present of Nerds. We do all like candy.


The moral of the story is, you may think you are smarter than your kids. But you probably aren't.

Please note, I am neither confirming nor denying that those presents are actually guns and BBs. Or that I was beyond excited because I found the sold out last one available pink BB gun. #redneckChristmas

While putting up the Christmas tree, I noticed two things.

My favorite ornament.
I won't tell you how long FH and I had been dating when I bought this ornament...I'll just tell you that I knew we would be a family of 4 (hopefully eventually 5) really really REALLY soon after we started dating.

And I may or may not still look at FH this same way. See those googly eyes that girl reindeer is making at her hot husband? That's totally me.
That is not, however, real life with K&A hugging.

And my other favorite ornament.
I forgot about this ornament and died laughing when I saw it this year.
I blogged about this last year but I only had like 2 followers.
I'll have to see if I can find that blog.
Last year, when asked what she wanted for Christmas, Kate said all she wanted was hot wings.
No, that's not code for anything, she straight up wanted hot wings.
I swear I really do feed my kids.
So of course, homegirl got some hot wings.
And of course, I took a picture.
And now, we will forever remember the Christmas that brought us hot wings.

And next year, we will remember the Christmas that they got guns the girls tried to guess their presents. :)

And since this is my random Wednesday post, I have one random question for you. How long did it take you to get a bun in your oven once you started trying? {I told you it was random}
Yesterday, my friends and I all freaked out after reading this post.
Needless to say, it's quite scary for a girl who is, ahem, aging.

And after you answer my random question, please go here to visit some other random posts! And don't forget to come back tomorrow for my recipe linkup!

Happy Wednesday Wacky People!
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  1. It took me 10 months. Obviously not a lot, but still. I was 23. I can't help but wonder if the amout of time that you are on birth control before trying for children has an impact of your fertility. I'm no doctor, but it seems like more and more people are having trouble :(

  2. Ahahaha - too freaking funny! Your girls are too smart for their own good. Merry Redneck Christmas! Love the hot wing ornament too... I'm pretty sure I asked for hot wings for a birthday one year #fatgirlproblems. Hang in there, mama! And I have no help on the baby-making thing. I got knocked up while on The Pill at 22. So I guess I was lucky in the fact that I didn't know the pain of "trying" and that type of anxiety (just had different problems like shitting my pants about actually being a grown up and responsible for once in my life).

  3. OMG HILARIOUS!!! You googly eyed reindeer you and the 2 followers comment had me rolling. Elle took pretty quickly (one month) but Wes took FOREVER!!!! We kept trying, trying, trying, which added more and more stress - ugh.. It was killer... but after many many months it happened.

  4. I love it. Love the girls. And hunting...I'll take her. Mamma's got her huntin lisence!...Really I just like the opportunity to get a new outfit and shoes, EVEN if they are camo AND gortex...AND overalls ick. BUT hey girl hey, one day when prince charming finds me, I will go hunting with him. Hopefully he doesn't pull and Adam. I'm a good shot, I can deal with one cheater, it's inevitable the next one will end up in the ground!

    Kids are smart, it sucks. Thankful Addy isn't THAT much smarter then me YET!

  5. That is too funny that they totally guessed their gifts (allegedly). You are a braver mom than me by far. I don't even want to know what my girls would do with BB guns.

    Oh, and I'm no help on the baby making question either. I get pregnant if my man lays his underwear too close to mine, so there you go.

  6. hahahaha love this. and these ornaments. And of course she is already telling you what she wants for her birthday, hilarious. And I am not in any way trying to get a bun in the oven. at least for a LONG time.

  7. Hysterical!!! To be a fly on the wall :) Hunting is all fun and dandy until you're sitting in a tree freezing your butt off unable to make any noise. They def won't want to do that again. Kids are smart though, so who knows, maybe they're watching something crazy about hunting on PBS. Good luck with your bun lady friend! I have no experience in this department. But those post freak me outttt too. Happy Wednesday lady!

  8. I hate it when you think you have out smarted your kids but turns out they out smarted us. I have been there, they are just too smart.

    And it took no time at all to get pregnant with my first two but we had to try for over a year with both my 3rd and 4th. Good luck, it can be so dissapointing try to be relax about it, I swear I got pregnant the month that I finally decided I didn't care anymore. It will happen, then you will remember how the baby comes out and you will be like oh crap what was I thinking, no...just me. Oh.

  9. Ok once again, you cracked me up. Especially the part about how the gifts could be nerds! lol BB's do sound like nerds huh? My husband has just become an avid hunter and I have fully decided it just isn't for me. I can't even whisper? Lord knows I have too much to say to keep my mouth shut for hours. And you mean I might not even SEE an animal while I'm out there? No thanks..I'll stay inside where's there's cable and running water. If the girls don't like hunting they can always shoot at cans like my husband did as a kid, and bring out the real redneck in them!

  10. For my first, about 10 months. My second, less than a month, my 3rd, 6 months. Good luck! ;)

  11. So funny. I want to know how long after ya'll started dating that you bought that! I am so nosy. haha

    We are currently trying. On month 2... wooooooo..... haha

  12. This is too funny! What crafty girls! And I love that they just randomly want to go hunting, with no family influence! Awesome!

    You should find two box shaped the same as the guns, fill them with something, wrap them, then hide the guns! I love pulling the "the Christmas tree is done and you didn't get what you were expecting, that's too bad--OH WAIT, WHAT IS IN THE CLOSET?" gag. :)

    OK, maybe that's a little over the top... :)
