Dec 20, 2012

If You Need Anything, Just Ask My Mom

Last night, we went to Target.
As in the Target across the street from the mall.
As in bumper to bumper make you want to flip off your neighbor type traffic. But I made FH drive so it wasn't too bad.

Alex looked so cute for our shopping date that I had to take a picture.
Please note, Kate looked cute too, she just wasn't in the room when I took this picture, and she hates pictures usually.

If only I had those long skinny legs.
FH works at FedEx until I make him quit and be a stay at home Dad.
Needless to say they are slightly busy this time of year and he is working SUPER long hours.
I can't wait to have my husband back!
But since he has been working so many hours {did I mention he has two jobs?!}, we are behind on some of our shopping.
So this is the run down on what the 4 of us had to buy last night.
It took some maneuvering to make it happen.

Alex had to buy Kate a present.
Alex had to buy FH a present.
Kate had to buy Alex a present.
Both had to buy me a present.

All without the other one seeing.
I checked out 3 times and FH checked out twice.

Oh and funny side note, FH text me to ask me what size shirt Kate wore....and I texted him back and told him her same sized twin was standing right next to him.

And unloading the car was quite difficult.
But we made it happen.
And ate pizza while at Target.
What's better than Pizza Hut in a Target? Well, taco bell in a Target of course, but this is a close second.

Once we finally made it home {we live about 45 minutes from the mall}, it was a mad dash to get K&A bathed and in bed and get FH a nap, showered, and out the door to work.
This is why we never go anywhere during the week.

The girls were anxious to wear their new PJs.
And they looked SO cute in them.
Reminded me of when they were toddlers and I put them in similar PJs and it made my baby pneumonia kick in.

And once I finally got them settled down and into bed, I noticed this on Alex's door:

Let's be honest, I was tempted to erase it...because well if anyone needs anything, Mom is off duty during night time hours.
Another reason why I need FH to be a stay at home Dad.
But it was too cute to mess with.
And then maybe 5 minutes later, Kate came in my room to tell me she couldn't sleep.
She said that she was going to go in Alex's room but then she saw the sign on her door.
Go figure.

And then this morning, I get the following pictures from FH along with the texts:

That's my girl. Rain or shine, school uniform or not, gotta get your game on.

It's a rainy and dreary day here, which is quite appropriate for the last day of the world. If you all don't hear from me tomorrow, well, you know what that means.....
{I'm too busy shopping and NOT at work!!! Hallelujah!}

Happy it's my Friday but as of right now I still have to work on Christmas Eve so get with the program Mr. President Thursday!!
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  1. That note on the door made me LOL!!! So funny... My husband would do the same thing. Plus he could sleep through a tram-peed (that's how my auto-correct fixed it.. I don't know how to spell it.) So unless I hit him he doesn't wake up. Thankfully he's in a sleep coma when he first gets up so I can always convince him to go get Hazel without any bitchin! haha

  2. The feetie pajamas are too cute, but I think you wear them best. :)

  3. can't beleive you braved target.
    i love that you and your husband speak in #
    i love the sign. i think you are probably never off duty as a mom!

  4. Happy Friday!!!!!!! Those girls are to cute, and funny just like their Momma! Love reading these posts. Tequilla??? It's the end of the world partay!

  5. Can't believe he sent that text about her size. Hilarious.

  6. Love their pj's! I keep telling my husband I want some and he really thinks I'm kidding lol...

  7. Adorable PJs! I LOVE that you're going to turn FH into a stay-at-home dad!

    Pete and I did the secret Target shopping together, too. We checked out only one time. We were very careful where we looked and it almost worked until the chatty cashier started a running commentary on every item she rang up, "Oh, this is a darling scarf." Dang you and your Christmas cheer, old woman!

  8. what a cute outfit - love her red pants! and what a funny thing to write on the door!
