Dec 20, 2012

Holiday LinkUp

Apparently all the cool kids are doing this holiday linkup and I like to pretend like I'm one of the cool here goes nothing!


One day, I swear I'm gonna vlog....but today's not the day.

What's your favorite holiday movie?Home Alone. Hands down. I love that movie...and I think I might just have to watch it again tonight. This is followed closely by Christmas Vacation. Those are both classics.

Do you have any special traditions?Bella the Elf. Not to be confused with an elf on the shelf. K&A will quickly tell you that their elf is not an elf on the shelf. You can touch ours. Apparently. We have had that thing for about 4 or 5 years now and she is still going strong.
Also, the girls sleep together the night Santa Claus comes. My sister, brother, and I started this tradition....but now I just sleep with my husband the night Santa comes. Or in our case now, no one. Since FH will be working. Boo.

What's your favorite ornament or decoration?
all the plates that my kids have made over the years...and well, the ones I made when I was young too. We have wannabe artists in the family.

Best gift you've ever received?That's tough...I'm not even really sure. Ever since I can remember I been popping my collar I have only gotten excited about K&A's gifts...and I'm pretty sure their electric scooter that Santa got last year was the coolest. That or the pogo sticks. Although I'm still not skinny enough to jump on them.

Worst gift you've ever received?
I remember a really horribly ugly blanket. Yep, that was probably the worst. Or actually, one year, my husband at the time went out on Christmas night and was suppose to come back to watch movies with me and he didn't show up until like 3AM cause he stayed out partying....that's not really a gift but that was close enough to the worst thing ever. Luckily I now have a husband that would rather cut his limbs off than leave the house without me. Karma is my friend. :)

Favorite winter accessory?hooded sweatshirts. LOVE. and I have at least 400 of them.

Real tree or fake?fake for now....but the husband is working on changing this.

When and how did you find out that Santa was not real?Santa IS real. Hear that kids?? And I'm still hoping he comes to see me!
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  1. Haha! We love the same movies! I have already watched Home Alone twice! Saving Christmas Vacation for Christmas Eve.

  2. OMG you crack me up - Santa IS real... Your ex's gift was stellar - NOT! HAHAHA. Now off to get a pogo stick. LOL

  3. I would love nothing more than to see a keek of your girls jumping on pogo sticks! Something about pogo sticks just make my day haha

  4. YES. Hoodies. I cannot wait to rock the hoodies for the next six days! :)

    Also, Home Alone is a GREAT movie pick! Pete found the Home Alone original score and when he's not blasting that, he's playing the "Christmas tree my Christmas tree" song from Home Alone 2. Crap. That damn song is stuck in my head now.
