Dec 4, 2012

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

It's time for Tell Me About It Tuesday!!!

Helene in Between
1. Let me tell you about how I am in a better mood today! A little bummed because I didn't get up at 4AM like I have been doing to get a morning workout in, but still in a good mood. I even went to bed early, but all of these December challenges are killing me so my body needed rest.
2. Let me tell you about all of these challenges! Two of three of them are on instagram....and if you don't have an instagram account, then go get one. Like right now. I'll wait.
Glad you're back. Ok so, there's the squat challenge. Basically you do a certain number of squats every day of the month, increasing each day. This is killer. Then there's the plank challenge. Basically you just do a plank a day and put your time on instagram. This is fun because I love trying to beat everyone's time...although I'm not too good at it. Last night we had a plankathon at our house...FH won. But I have a whole month to improve my time so come January, it's on FH! Also, there's a dietbet challenge. I'd give you the link but for some reason my computer won't let me go to the website so I have to do it from my phone. So frustrating! It is on and tomorrow is the last day to sign up. I am beyond mad at myself for not coming up with this is a great website!! If you want more details, comment below and I can tell you what I know about it.
3. Let me tell you about the cupcakes K&A brought home from church Sunday night. Shoot me now. I am proud to say I have only eaten one.....and I'm thinking of throwing the rest of them away if they don't disappear soon. Thank goodness they are mini cupcakes!
4. I'd post pictures, but let me tell you about how my email isn't working properly right now so I can't get them on least this lowers the amount of work that I will be doing today. {Silver lining!}
5. Let me tell you about December at my work. We do the 12 days of Christmas....meaning we stuff our faces with a million potlucks this month. Last year, I was trying to lose weight for my wedding so I did not eat one single thing at one single potluck. I just stayed at my desk and didn't even look at the food. It was awful....but I know if I had participated, I would have gained. This year, I'm gonna do the same thing.....this is tough. And let me tell you how coworkers get offended when I don't eat....I mean come on people! That just means more food for you so get off my back. Today is the first potluck, and tomorrow, I actually have to bring food so cross your fingers for me.
6. Let me tell you how I got a funny tshirt that says "Running Sucks" to wear when I'm running. It's bright orange so that no one will run over me and tear up their car. Well, let me just tell you that if you don't want your kids to say the word 'sucks', you probably shouldn't wear a shirt that has that word on it. {Do as I say, not as I do}
7. Oh and speaking of planking, have you heard of owling? So dumb. Haven't heard of it? Google it, laugh, and then roll your eyes.
8. Let me tell you about how it is 7AM and I have received 5 calls from my kids in the last 30 minutes. All of them were emergencies of course.
9. Let me tell you about a linkup that I'm going to do....I'm thinking Thursday if I can get a button put together the BFF has time to do a button for me. So, we all like easy recipes and we all have a favorite go-to recipe, right? I want to do a linkup where everyone blogs about their favorite go-to recipe. Hopefully this will give us all some new easy recipes to add to our list.....I've been wanting some new ones, the easier the better. So come back Thursday and link up to share a recipe and cross your fingers that I get the linkup part done right on the blog. :)
Let me tell you about how I wish it were Friday!!!!
Happy Tuesday Friends!
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  1. I have got to get in on Planking craze! I keep forgetting about but I love seeing the posts! The whole owling thing is so creeptastic. It looks like going number 2, never a good look. Glad you're having a better day today!

  2. 4 am makes me wanna throw up. love recipe link ups!!! yumm and I'm gonna need a picture of you in your "running sucks" shirt!

  3. owling - googling not. Oh yeah... I didn't get up either - oh well - onto to tomorrow.

  4. I want a photo of you in the Running sucks T while you're running. I love the irony.

    Planking was so last year around these parts.

    I will totally work my favorite easy recipe into my Thursday Thoughts and link up. Holler.

  5. That linkup is a GREAT idea! Can't wait!

  6. I so need one of those orange Running Sucks t-shirts. I don't think I'm ever going to "love" running.

    The recipe link up idea is great! I will definitely be back here for that. Stay strong against the potlucks! We have some coming up too and you saw how I caved against cake yesterday.

  7. Hi there! new follower here from the link up! Love you blog and looking forward to getting to know you!

  8. Oh Lora! My love, you make me laugh. We do the same garbage at work and I always give in.... and then I go home and feel liek shit about myself the rest of the night. Sick, mind games we play, I tell ya! :)

    Cheers to starting fresh tomorrow!

  9. Ahhh...yes, potlucks...tis the season! haha! Why were the girls calling you? Lol! Are they not in school this week?

  10. Was it the Nike shirt? I got one for me and Shane last year and love them, ha!
