Dec 10, 2012

Keek it to the Left, Keek it to the Right

So I found out this morning, that you should never keek in the morning.
Especially a monday morning when you roll out of bed and you look like death and have nappy hair.
I mean, that sounds like a recipe for cuteness on a video, right?!
Not sure why that was a fail this morning.....
{Not sure what I'm talking about? Keek'in is the new IG'in. Although IG is going nowhere, don't worry. Follow me here on keek.
And do not ever expect any videos that actually make sense.}
I'm pretty sure all of us bloggers just needed another form a social media to keep us connected. And we are all bored, really bored.
So now we can write out "Happy Monday!!" on IG and then go say it out loud on Keek. Cause that's normal.

Moving on.
Bella the elf is back.
Yay. Didn't think we would see her this year since my daughters have recently grown horns and decided to never get along.
Okay, well not that recent, but I think they are just growing into their girl-nis and want to fight like cats.
Lucky FH living with 3 women. He totally loves it tolerates it well.

She kind of fell into the stocking while she was hanging out on the fireplace. Hate when that happens.
The girls wrote Santa a letter asking for a second elf this year.
Santa is probably going to write them back and tell them those elves cost way too much money for him to buy another one that his elves are busy making toys and he can't spare another. Naturally.

Saturday was the girls' first basketball game this year. I'm pretty sure I was more excited than they were. You see, basketball was my favorite sport growing up and since I'm too old and chunky and too busy to play it anymore except when I pretend to be Michael Jordan in my driveway, I like to live through the girls playing. So so SO glad that the girls love sports as much as I do. They have been undefeated for like two years, we kind of kick booty. And we started this season off with a W. I won't even mention that I was slightly nervous before this game started. Janessa and I were about to go to the other team and ask the 6 ft tall 4th graders for their birth certificates. But the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And well, the slower they run cause our little rebels won by about 20 or so points. Go Rebels!!!
And thanks for the pic J.
I also won't mention how the game was stopped in order for the refs to throw out a rowdy fan. It's not good to be a sore loser. Especially in church basketball Mr Rowdy Fan. And sorry that you lost.

Speaking of losing.....we went bowling yesterday.

The girls had a birthday party to go to at the bowling alley so FH and I went off to have a mini competition of our own. Always one to think every single thing in life is a competition {cause it totally is}, it was a fierce game. Now let me just go ahead and tell you, that I pretty much never beat FH in this "sport". But this time, well, it was the middle of the day, the lights were on, and FH was only drinking Diet Pepsi so he was off his game.
And so I kicked his booty.
I'm not one to brag.....I just put visuals all over the world wide web.

Once we moved onto air hockey and I beat him in that, I realized that I needed to scale back my awesomeness a bit or I was going to have a grumpy husband, and no one likes a grumpy husband.
{Love you FH!} Oh and so he doesn't kill me for blasting this out on the blog as if he wasn't expecting it, I should note that he kicks my butt in the basketball game there and at Chuck E Cheese.
Also, we tried to win a stuffed animal in one of those claw machines.
It was the cutest little elephant ever and looked like it belonged in a right when we were walking up to it, I decided that we needed to win it and put it in our future nursery. So I told myself if it happened, there would be a baby.
And then we spent like $8 trying to win the thing.
And then I told FH about what I was thinking.
So we spent about $10 more trying to win it.
And never freaking won it. I'm sure that means nothing though. Surely not.
And then a little boy from the bday party walked right up beside us and won an ipod.
Because that's how the universe works.

We finished off our weekend with no kids. They went to their dad's house to help put up his Christmas tree and we sat on the couch and watched like 4 shows. It was great. And relaxing.

And now I'm going to have to spend the entire week detoxing from all the food I stuffed in my face this know, like I do every weekend.

Happy Monday Keekers/NonKeekers!!

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  1. Love Bella! Such a cute girlie elf :) Whoo hoo for kicking ass at the games! I totally know what you mean about having to scale back sometimes as to not have to deal with a disgruntled significant other! We ladies can't help we got skillz! Happy Monday Friend!

  2. My voice is too nasal for anything involving video.

    Good job kicking ass on the games! Love that shot from bowling of the jeans and shoes.

  3. I am loving Kekk. It definately adds a new demension to blogger comunication- because we don't all over communicate enough :) LOVE the basketball picks and congrats to the girls on their W! I'm an old bballer too :) Happy Monday!

  4. had to read that post about 3 times to understand what keek was. I don't know if I'm gonna get into it. I say that and then watch me. BAM!

  5. Winning too much against the men always causes unneeded pouting later good choice on that one!
