Dec 12, 2012

I'd like to thank my Mom....

Any award speech should start with thanking your Mom.
Trust me.
As a mom now, I know what kind of crap we put our moms through...

I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Erin and by Alexandra.....Thanks girls!

So, basically, they both give me questions to answer...if only I had questions to answer every day, blogging would be so much easier!

Erin's questions:
1.  What is your favorite holiday?
my birthday. I celebrate it for an entire month (July) and I expect to do no work that month. If asked to do anything, I simply respond with "but it's my birthday!" This drives my husband nuts...and now he does it too.
2. What's your favorite food?
easy. Mexican. I could take a swim in a bowl of white cheese dip on the reg.
3. What is your favorite memory that includes alcohol?
(sorry Mom) this would have to be that one time at band camp when my BFFs and I went to the beach together.....just pretty much that entire trip is my favotire. Oh yeah, and then this one time, my friend Natalie and I went on a bachelor party, the only girls. Now, that was a good time.
4. Favorite memory without alcohol?
the morning after talks with my BFFs during out single days...I remember us sitting on the couch talking about the night before and laughing until we cried. Miss those times.
5.  How long have you been with your significant other?
We have now been married for 6 months! And before that we were together for about 2 years.
6. Where did you meet them?
I met FH at a wedding...I was a bridesmaid, he was a groomsmen. It was definitely not love at first sight. I had a huge crush, he liked my friend. But, if you know me, you know that I love a challenge and from that point on, this girl was on a mission. I knew he would love me one day, he just didn't know it yet.
7.  What would be the first thing you bought if you hit the lotto tonight? A white jeep wranger. I've always wanted one. And when we recently bought a new car, I decided now that I could finally afford one, I didn't actually need one. Something about 2 (hopefully eventually 3) kids getting in and out of a jeep just didn't appeal to me. but I'd love to have one to drive every other weekend!
8. What is your dream car?
oops, please see #7
9. Where would be your dream place to live?
I would never move because all my family is here....but if I could take all my family with me? I'd say near a beach maybe. I'd have a tough time giving up my small town though, so maybe we should just say a mansion in the town I live in now. :)
10. If you could get plastic surgery today, what would you get?
lipo. suck that gut out with a quickness.
11. Where's your favorite place on earth?
at home, on the couch with my husband, with K&A close by. Nowhere else that I'd rather be.

Alexandra's questions:
1. If you could invite three people living or dead to dinner, who would they be and why? I'm gonna have to say that dinner would not be dinner without eating it with my husband and my those would have to be my 3 people. Boring I know, but it has taken me YEARS to be as content as I am now, so my dinner table is a good place to be.
2.What is your most embarassing moment?my 16th birthday party. my halter top dress had strings, one string broke. you do the math.
3. What's your favorite alcoholic beverage? jager
4. What's your favorite beauty product? I am not loyally to any beauty products...I like to try new I guess I don't have a favorite.
5. What's your favorite band/singer? Currently, The Band Perry. and Pink.
6. Whats your favorite exercise? anything bootcamp style done in a big group. What can I say? I love competition and knowing I have competition pushes me 10 times harder.
7. What's your biggest pet peeve? the word "ain't". it makes me cringe.
8. What's your favorite guilty pleasure show? Teen Mom 2. without a doubt. I love those hot messes!
9. What's one thing you gotsta' do before you die? feel comfortable in not just a bikini but in day to day clothes. Or travel the world. one or the other.
10. What would you choose to be your last meal? mexican food. all the way.
11. If I gave you $5,000 what would you spend it on? I'd pay off some bills, and then go to Target and stay there for hours.

Thanks so much for nominating me girls!

Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday! :)

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  1. Can I just TOTALLY agree about Mexican being the last meal for me too? Maybe with a McDonalds cheeseburger on the side. :)

  2. Omg. I totally have a birthday month too. September belongs to me. Me and my husband fight over this a lot, because basically all I say is 'because it's my birthday' for a month!!

  3. Agreed on the birthday month! Mine is in March, which is also our Spring Break, holla! Wait, that's probably how I ended up getting preggo with twins on my 21st birthday/Spring break...Oops! :)

  4. I cannot stand the word 'ain't' and I will not let my girls say it either! Love the birthday month idea, I will now claim June as my own. ;)

  5. I'm a July girl, too. I love birthday months!

  6. I'm a July girl, too. I love birthday months!
