Dec 11, 2012

So a Work Group walks into a bar......

Today is my work Christmas a bar down by the river.
I'm not sure who had the bright idea to have our party at a bar...all the old people are staying at work....and they sent out an email telling us that we can't drink. Cause 10AM drinking with coworkers is what everyone wanted to do.
 I'm just excited that it's a short day, my hair is curled, and I am going to do a little shopping after we are dismissed from the party.

Lately I'm not motivated to work out.
Which, let me tell you, is NOT a good thing.
I am a HUGE yo-yo work-er out-er.
Yep, I really just said it that way.
Some weeks, I am obsessive and can't get enough.
Then some weeks, I want to sleep.
And be lazy. And read a book. And eat.
This week is one of those weeks.
But I refuse to let it take over.
I feel so much better when I get my butt kicked on a run or by Jillian.
So, today's exercise will be brought to you by Power Shopping.
Yes, that's real exercise people.
Do you know how much walking you do when you shop?
Do you know how much I work my abs when I'm trying to stuff myself into a pair of jeans in the dressing room?
Well, a lot.
And then, it's great for my diet too.
The more clothes I try on, the more I want to get liposucction stop eating.
It's a win-win.
Except for my bank account. It doesn't need to get thinner.

I'd say 2 hours in the office is enough for today.
I also took a picture with my friend Amy and Santa Claus.
Except Santa Claus is a coworker.
Nothing says awkward like "Can I sit in your lap and get my picture made?" to a coworker.
But maybe this is better than saying it to a stranger??
I'm not real sure....either way, I'll stick to sitting in my husband's lap.

I'm off to party like a rockstar like a good little employee.
Hope you all have a great day!

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  1. Bahaha!! I count shopping as exercise too.

  2. Whoo hoo for retail exercise! I took off on Friday so I can do the same! Yes I know I'm a teacher and will be off for two whole weeks, but I don't get out until December 21st and that is not going to give me anytime to shop! Plus I just need a break. I hope your shopping trip goes well and you find everything you're looking for (including a little motivation)!

  3. I effing love you. Um, yeah... I pretty much want to give myself lipo (where's that exactoknife) every time I shop for clothes for myself. Lame. Last week I was on the workout train. This week... I've fallen off. Oops. Have fun at the part-TAY! xo

  4. I nominted you for the leibster award freak (I know you have 34 too many followers but I'm all about breakin the rules)

    now go answer your dang questions

  5. Dismissed from a party hahahaha sounds like it's gonna be a rager. Shopping is exercise. It's freaking exausting! Have fun on your short day lady!

  6. Have fun shopping and I gotta say, better you than me. I am way too indecisive to be trusted in a store by myself.

  7. So your party is at a bar but there's no booze? Does not compute.

    I have been the worst yo yo exerciser. Hate.


    I nominated you for an award! Check it out!!

  9. Shopping is for sure an exercise! Have fun at your work party!!

  10. Pretty sure my bank account got WAY TOO THIN yesterday....but I can totally blame it on CB right? Stimulate the economy?! That was totally part of our job for the day! Well that and avoiding stalkers...oh and the princess and prince charming! #lovedourtable
