Nov 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Linkup Time

Today, I am going to link up with a couple of my fav girls for a Thanksgiving linkup.

let the record show that I really wanted to do a vlog for this like all the cool kids, but well, I'm sure my work wouldn't approve.
And I have no idea how to video anything except from my 1G iphone.
1. What do you look forward to more: the food, football or parades?the food. duh, us chubbies love our food. :) and with a family as big as mine, there is TONS of food.

2. What is your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving Day dish?I'd probably have to say my grandmother's rolls. I mean, that is kind of traditional, but that woman can cook some bread. dip it into your cream corn and you will be in a food coma almost immediately

3. After dinner, is it football or a nap?It's football and talking. Lots of talking. I don't get to see all of my family that often so we run our mouths while watching football. And this year, I have been informed that it won't be football, it will be Tigers basketball.

4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? Which is your favorite float?Actually no, I don't. I'm not sure why, my kids just don't really like to watch it so we never do. Lame.

5. Where do you go to celebrate and eat your big meal? Who is there (family, friends)?
To my aunt's house with eleventy billion other people. family. My mom has 5 siblings so factor in all the spouses, kids, grandkids and you've got a party!

6. What is your favorite turkey day dessert?
I'm gonna have to go with anything chocolate. We always have different stuff but I head directly towards the chocolate. :)

Happy {almost} Thanksgiving Friends! I hope you have a lot to be thankful for this year, I know I do!

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  1. "Eleventy-billion other people" that's how I feel at our thanksgiving too...Nan has a HUGE house, but no house is big enough to house "eleventy-billion" by the end of the day, I need to be in a wine coma instead of a food coma just to cope with the c r o w d...because well, my family is a bunch of crazies!!

  2. I always have at least ONE chocolate dessert on T-day too. Love it.

  3. We really need to upgrade your 1g to at least 1.8 LOL I have to have at least one chocolate.... a day :)

  4. I wish we had big Thanksgiving dinners, but neither my husband nor I have very big families in this state. Your celebration sounds like a ton of fun!

    Also, I read on Holly's blog that you're raising twin girls. I don't know how you moms do it. I have a twin sister and I look back on our childhood and weep for my mother. :)

  5. Big family Thanksgiving dinners are so much fun! And I think on Thanksgiving that is the only holiday we never have anything chocolate - so weird!

  6. thanks for linking up with us! Enjoy your big family dinner! Happy Tgiving!

  7. I knew we were friends by the "dip the rolls into creamed corn and die" comment. :)

    And look at you with 200+ followers!!
