Nov 15, 2012

Cup O' Bull

Cup of Joe?
Girl, please.
All I need to wake up in the morning is this small 16 oz cup o' bull.
Red bull, that is.
And my favorite blogs.

This is the modern day version of coffee and a newspaper, yes?

So, yesterday, I posted that I was no longer blonde.
And then a coworker called me out and informed me that my hair was not brown.
And another friend called me out and told me I had a #bloggerfail because I talked about my hair and didn't post pics.

I don't know if you notice, but I HAAAATE pics of myself.
I have to take them at least 482 times in order to get one that I semi-like. This is also why I haven't built up the courage to do a vlog post yet. I hate to hear my own voice and I know I would spend hours re-doing it. Well, that and because I don't know what I would talk about.
Anyways, so here is a pic of my brown darker blonde hair.
Compared to my ghostly where did summer go pale skin, it looks brown to me.

I'll let you be the judge.

Last night, Kate {the note writer} was at it again.
Her sister went to her dad's house and she left her a note on her door.

And Alex wrote that she was thankful for her sister Kate on her Turkey that she made at school.

or at least, that's what I think it says, oh wait, no, it says Katie.
Nevermind, she isn't thankful for her sister, only her friends.
I guess she included her sister in the "mi familia" part.
And the fact that my kids know spanish and I don't is a whole different blog post.

I'm glad the girls show little signs of love every once in awhile.
Because lately I feel like as soon as I take my accountant shirt off when I leave work for the day, I step into my referee shirt for the night. Those girls would argue over a dirty sock if they felt it necessary. Does anyone else have kids that never stop arguing? Or maybe it's just that they never stop talking...either way, I'm buying stock in Tylenol.

So, last night I completed Week 3, Day 1....I'm on my way to 10K!

I ran on the treadmill since FH wanted me to go to the gym with him. I usually like to run outside, but man, the treadmill made this run easier for some reason! Or maybe it's just because there is a lot to look at in the gym and there are no dogs to chase me.
Week 3 is a 5 minute warm up, 90 seconds run, 90 seconds walk, 3 minutes run, 3 minutes walk, repeat, and then 5 minute cool down.
It wasn't too bad, but I'm pretty sure the 3 minutes running felt like a good 25 or so minutes.
I have faith that it will get easier though.
And that my pants will get looser. Hopefully.

Oh, and after we worked out, we went to eat mexican.
So much for the looser pants.

Some might think this is counterproductive.
Me too, but I tried to ignore that because cheese dip is just so dead-gum good!

And for dessert I had fat free Cool Whip.

Oh the things I do when the husband leaves for work......
but it was "just a lil bump" {Please tell me you get this Hangover 2 reference??}

And, on to our last topic of the day. Because those food pics are making me hungry.
I have to ask the question: Are you like me? Do you see a blog post/Instagram pic about a song or anything else that you have to immediately google?
I hope so.
Recently, via different Instagrammin' bloggers, I found two great new songs!
I've been listening to them on repeat in the mornings.
And no, I don't think I'm too old for Taylor Swift.
I can totally blame it on my kids, like I do when I listen to Justin Bieber.

Got anymore new good songs that you can't live without and want to share with me?? Please do!

Oh annnnnnd, just kidding, that wasn't the last topic.
I am a rambler today. Maybe it's the mega dose of Red Bull......

Yesterday, I felt like an old lady.
First, because I read a blog that said "New Kids on the Block was a little before my time". That made me feel like my parents when they were all like "back when I was young, I use to have to walk to school".

 And then because a sweet new blogger friend told me I looked like Connie of course I immediately googled her for pics. And she's old.

But then I found some great pics of her and I decided that I'm okay with it! Plus who doesn't want to look like a celebrity?!

Okay, for real, I'm done rambling now.
Unless I post again.
Or you follow me on Instagram where I never actually shut up.
And I wonder why my kids never stop talking.......
Who do they get that from anyways??

PS I'm less than 10 followers away from 200!! Share my blog maybe? Tweet it, pin it (cause I don't really know how to pin-total re-pin-ner here!), or mention it in your blog? I'll be your BFF! I obviously hang around 9 year olds too much. No, but really, once I reach 200 I think I am going to do a giveaway. If I can figure out that rafflecopter thingamajig.

Happy It's Almost Friday Thursday Friends!

Pin It Now!


  1. Oh no....I think I busted your bubble yesterday! I'm sorry!!! Call you hair pink, purple, tie-dye or "dirty blonde". :)

    Speaking of cool whip. Have you tried letting your cool whip thaw and take low fat graham crackers and make cool whip sandwiches? Slap you some cool whip on them and wrap them in plastic wrap and stick them in the freezer for awhile and WAM, BAM, Thank you MAM! They are good!

    Did you get Pink's new album? There isn't a song I don't like but today is a "Timebomb" day. :)

    Happy Thursday Chicka!

  2. I love Connie Britton! I think she rocks.

    Happy Thursday!

  3. haha, maybe one of those Spanish words means sister. If only I had taken Spanish in high school....oh wait, nevermind.

  4. ok but connie is gorgeous!!!!!! and i do see the resemblance. sorry. but she is gorgeous!

  5. With my little waking up 2 to 3 times a night for bottle feedings I look pretty busted up in the mornings. At this point I would be flattered if someone said I looked like Gilbert Gottfried on a bad day. Connie is gorgeous gal, as are you. And the next time you need help deciphering your children's spanish notes hit me up. ;)

  6. So I am torn on buying Taylor Swifts album now or waiting for Christmas- What is your vote?

  7. OMG I am OBSESSED with the song "Better Dig Two"... I sersly listen to it like iono 2083402809 times a day... Okay maybe that's a bit of a lie but who's really counting here? haha

  8. Let's clear s/t up here -- A. you don't look old. B. Connie isn't old! C. Connie doesn't look old! D. I'd love to look like a beautiful celebrity! Sheesh girl, you made me feel bad! I meant it as the nicest compliment, sorry to bring you down!!! :(

    I hope you do a vlog someday soon, it's fun to hear how bloggers sound! Hugs to you!

  9. I'm training for a 10K too!!!! When is yours???
