Nov 7, 2012

Currently Seeking Birth Mother

I'm pretty sure my kids aren't related to me.
I've said this numerous times.
But this time I really mean it.

I am a HUGE Memphis fan. In case you didn't know.
I don't care that we are absolutely horrible in football.
Doesn't matter, this isn't a bandwagon.
I'm pretty sure I own at least 4,267 Memphis shirts.
For real, I counted.

My kids, not so much.
My husband, only during basketball season.

We have always known we would be a house divided.

But when the girls were younger, it was easy to dress them in blue.
No complaints, just do what Mommy says. And yell "Go tigers Go!"

I even managed to get FH all dressed up sometimes....

And he didn't even disown me when he saw me do this....

...although I'm pretty sure he was tempted.

Now that the girls are older, they have other influences besides their dear old Mom.
I guess you can't keep them in a bubble.
I prepared myself for my kids to come home with dark eyeliner one day, maybe a piercing, possible a tattoo.
But, NEVER, did I EVER think I would see this.

Kate is now a HUGE TN fan. I'm pretty sure she got that from FH. At least they have something to bond over.
And Alex is a HUGE Alabama fan. I'm still not really sure where this came from, but I'm trying to discourage it.

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to yell for other teams.

I guess I'll just have to make sure the next kid is born wearing blue.

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  1. haha we're pretty huge tiger fans as well!!! actually my boyfriend is (he is memphis born and bred) my love for them is relatively new.. we're at every single home (and some away) football games, though.. rain or shine.. that has to count for something, right? ;)

  2. LOL!!! Alabama fan? get her to a psychiatrist STAT!!!! Love this post!

  3. You win the award for best blog title this week. And as a Alabama fan myself, I love Alex's houndstooth. :)
