Nov 28, 2012

Nasty Yucky Smoothies that Don't Taste Half Bad

Annnnnnnd the award for longest blog post title of the day goes to.......

I'm linking up with Shanna today to talk about whatever I want.
Just click on her name to find some more fun blog posts!
I have several random things that I want to talk about today.

1. I hate when my husband is right.
He warned me yesterday to be careful with my working out.
You see, he witnesses my life first hand. #luckyhim And he knows that when I get all psycho with my workouts, he is the one who has to listen to me complain and has to rub my sore parts.
And then.......this morning, my knee started to hurt. And then my elbow. Grrrrrrr. This is why I always end up stopping my workouts. I love to workout, but somehow I have this old lady body that can't handle it.
I tore my ACL playing basketball in the 10th grade {like 458 years ago} and I just haven't been the same since. {single small tear runs down face}
It's why I've always wanted to be a runner, but can never get too far into it. I also get tennis elbow from doing that weird?
I got lots of great feedback on my post yesterday, so what's up guys, who has some advice for bad knees and bad elbows? Help a sister out.

2. smoothies.
Now, I'll be the first to tell you that what you are about to see looks disgusting. And I'm not going to tell you that it's delicious or anything crazy like that, but it is pretty healthy and it does fill your stomach.
My husband got me hooked on smoothies. I use to want to vomit just looking at everything he put in them, but now I am just like him. I'm sure some people can't drink just anything, but I totally can. I learned this in college. 
There is no real recipe. It's just a little of this and a little of that.
This morning I had greek yogurt, liquid egg whites, blueberries, a banana, peanut butter, chia seeds, Fiber One cereal, protein powder, and a few pieces of ice all blended up. Sounds delicious right? Wait til you see how it looks.....

At least my food pictures don't make you hungry!
Once it's blended up, it looks nice and smooth like this:

And yes, I let that tiny bit ooze over just for you to get a good feel for it. lol Now chug that baby down, chase it with some Diet Dr Pepper and you are finished eating breakfast! How else could you get all that down real quick in the morning? I know I couldn't. My husband even adds spinach to his....I'm not THAT brave yet.

3. Selfies.
When you wake up at 4 to work out and your kids can't get to school until 7:15 {we don't carpool on Wednesdays so I have to actually take them to school}, you have plenty of time for selfies.
Even K&A like to get in on the action.
You should know that I had on a super cute dress, tights, and ankle booties for work this morning. Then I decided that if I were to meet myself in an alley, I would ask myself if I were knocked I put on my hoodie and jeans. I'll save my cute dresses for days that I MUST dress up and for when I am 50 lbs lighter a little bit thinner.
Until then, I'm keeping it gansta in my hoodie.

I just wish I had a uniform to wear every single day like these little ladies. {Even though they despise them...}

Side ponytails are the best!
As are cowgirl boots with a uniform. You just can't go wrong.

Now if only my leggings were that loose on my legs!

Happy Wednesday People! Thanks for reading!

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  1. You crack me up... Love the boots - CUTE!

  2. I agree with Mel, you CRACK me up too! I do have one thing to say about the smoothies. You totally cannot taste the spinach at all. Now I don't get all brave and throw in a bag full, but a handful can go in undetected. You just have to blend a little longer so you're not pulling leaves out of your teeth. Sounds apetizing doesn't it?

  3. I'd totally wear a uniform for adults.

    I do water aerobics like twice a week at the gym since my knee is always twinging from my fat arse stomping on it in zumba.

  4. I don't necessarily want a uniform but I sure do with someone would just buy all kinds of cute clothes for me and layout my outfit each that too much to ask for?
    Thanks to the girls, B has requested cowboy boots for Christmas this year lol. Along with 90 other pairs of shoes. I blame it on the uniforms everyday, lol

  5. I commend you for getting up at 4AM because my lazy ass can't do it. I'm am a night owl for sure. I'm glad you listed the ingredients in your smoothie because I could not for the life of me tell what those little pellets were when I saw the pic on instagram. Fiber One cereal, check.

  6. Hey hey! LOVE checking out new blogs!! (And, I have too much time on my hands to keep up with the life of J.Simpson - that IS the rumour though! haha!)

    Hope the little niggles of pain go away. Yikes, getting up at 4am!! Amazing!

  7. I would take Spinach over eggs whites raw ANY day, yuck. How do you chug that down, my gag reflex is WAY TOO bad!! Now go buy mio tea so i can buy some if it works haha!

  8. whoa that smoothie looks interesting haha - love your blog!

  9. I loved wearing uniforms when I was in high school...roll out of bed, throw on whichever ones are clean (since they all matched each other) and you were good to go! Maybe they will appreciate more when they are older. 4 am thats hardcore!

  10. Oh my goodness, I cannot get over that smoothie! I would put everything in that you did plus spinach and minus the egg whites, are they raw? It makes me a little quesy to think about adding egg whites. Hmmmmm. You should definitely try adding the spinach though, doesn't add flavor, just changes the color and adds more goodness for you!

    Your girls are adorable in their uniforms!!

  11. The girls are ADORABLE! Thanks for finding me so I could check our your blog! Love it, new follower :)

    Not going to lie, smoothies look gross. BUT, I have learned I quite like them!

  12. im still not convinced about those smmothies. and when i first read this I thought it said "I hate my husband" and I was like yeah me too sometimes!! but yes, I hate when he's right.

  13. Ummmm...if I had not been sipping on this glass of red wine I may have gagged about the smoothie. Lawdy! I am sure it's really good for you but my sensitive gag reflex would not be able to deal. I love your girls uniforms! Wish T-county would switch to uniforms then I wouldn't have to fight with my pre-teen daughter in the mornings! Also wish I could send my kiddos to TRA but Brian says hell-to-the-no. Whatev!

  14. You should do the spinach....definitely can't taste. Love the boots and the gansta look. Don't worry, I'm wearing a hoodie today. Can that be the Corps uniform?!
