Nov 20, 2012

Tell Me About It Tuesday

Helene in Between
It's that time again.
You know, time for me to run my mouth and you pretend like you are dying to listen to me tell you about random shiz.
So, let me tell you about yesterday.
I let the girls stay at home alone. Well, they weren't alone because FH was there, but he sleeps during the day so they were pretty much alone. Just the two of them and their cell phone.
They called me 9 times before 11 AM. I'm not exaggerating.
1st phone call: "mom, what can I have for breakfast?"
2nd phone call: "mom, my tummy hurts"
3rd phone call: "mom, I'm so stupid. We popped popcorn so we could eat it while we watched our movie and then realized that it's only 8. can we eat popcorn this early mom?"
4th phone call: "mom, what time do we eat lunch?"
5th phone call: "mom, how many bagel bites can we eat?"
6th phone call: "mom, Kate hit me!"
7th phone call: "mom, Kate is asleep and I'm still hungry. Can I have a snack?"
8th phone call: "mom, can I have some ice?"
9th phone call: "mom, can I go outside to play?"
Is this real life?
Just to clear something up, the 8th phone call? yep, I laughed half the day because she called me to ask if she could have some ice. But then when we got home, she said "mom, that rice was good." So, yeah, I thought she said ice but she said rice.
Let me tell you about the girls getting ready for basketball season.
So we now have a basketball goal, but we haven't bought sand to hold it down. So you can only shoot if someone is sitting on it.
Sometimes it pays off to be the fat kid.
As I was sitting on it yesterday so that they could shoot, one shot went up and a screw fell out and hit the ground.
Ummm, hello?!
So, we immediately laid it down and couldn't find where the screw came out of. Now I am scared to death that it is going to randomly fall. I'm sure that will be a fun blog story to tell.
Their coach told them to practice dribbling and to run.
They followed her directions.

And even threw in some pushups.

Side note: I can't explain Kate's funny faces. Long ago she decided she would rather snarl or make goofy faces rather than smile. I just go with it. #pickyourbattles

Let me tell you about how yesterday, I figured out a way to eat fruit.
Hallelujah. This is the best thing since pretending like Nutella was nutritious. Even though I still do that.

Let me tell you about how yesterday, I found out that my EX husband reads my blog. Riddle me that people. I found out because apparently he told his 9 year old that he was mad about this post. According to him, he gives me way too much child support for me to force my child to pay for anything. I guess since he gives me soooo much money, that I should let K&A run wild and never follow any rules, not make them pay for anything, and not discipline them at all. I'm sure that would work out perfectly. Let me tell you about how this situation could be a whole blog post on it's own.

Moving right along with the next more important topic.

Let me tell you about how I finished Week 3 of my c210k program yesterday. Holy heck, week 4 is INTIMIDATING to say the least. But I'm ready for it!! And I hope that my poor legs can handle it.

Let me tell you about how I finally finished my book last night and there was a GREAT surprise ending. Love it!!!!

Oh, and one last thing, let me tell you about how we went around the dinner table last night to each tell what the #1 thing we wanted for Christmas was.....FH's response: a baby. :) I'm pretty sure he said it for brownie points, with that SNEAKY grin on his face. But let me tell you about how it worked!

I love Tell Me About it Tuesday.
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  1. Ooh what book did you finish? I'm on the hunt for some new reads.

    I love the phone calls. I can remember that from when I was little. Should I call Mom about this? I better. hahahah

  2. Um week 3 is intimidating enough for me, haha. Go you getting on to week 4!!

  3. LOL!! I get those calls too!!! I am so scared Hope's Mom will start reading my blog. SHe already lives an imaginary life on facebook I don't need my blog getting added into that mix!! DId you say anything to him? lol

  4. good job on finishing a book! that's certainly more that I can say. those calls are hilarious! oh the life of a good mommy.

  5. those phone calls - too funny! although I'm sure they aren't in the moment!!

  6. Oh your girls make me laugh! I can only imagine what you were thinking after all of those calls!

  7. I can ONLY imagine how many times Aubree would call me if I left her here. I like the popcorn phone call. LOL! Love the EX is reading the blog and that he chooses to discuss child support with the kids. I think it's a great idea to have the kids pay for some of their own things. How the crap will they ever learn responsibility?
