Nov 21, 2012

Chicken Minis Make the World Go 'Round

Today I am thankful for:
{in no particular order whatsoever}

1. chicken minis. Most amazing things EV-VA.
Totally worth being 10 minutes late for work this moring.

2. my husband/best friend/workout partner/coolest freaking guy I know. so so so glad this man is in my life and I know that even after we have been married for 50 years, we will still act like teenagers that can't stop grinning at each other. {don't be mad that chicken minis came before you, I said no particular order}

3. hooded sweatshirts

4. Red Bull, Instagram, my {ancient} iPhone, and my new car

5. my job. I kinda hate it some days but I really love it. I took a HUGE risk and a pay cut to go back to school as a single mom. it was risky and I was scared, but it paid off and now I live 15 minutes from work and I can run over to the girls' school to eat lunch with them if I want. Cheers to my second career and a smart decision.

6. willpower. that I SOMETIMES have. like last night when I went to McAlisters and got water instead of sweet tea. I know what you are thinking, this is just crazy. "it's like you got peanut, you ain't got no butter" McAlisters and sweet tea go together like pigs and a blanket, but well, I'M TRYING PEOPLE.

7. my kids. if you haven't met them, you should know that they are hilarious. I'm pretty sure most of my facebook friends friended me because of my funny quotes of the day. I post them because the most random stuff comes out of their mouths that I can't possibly keep it to myself. they are loud, argue a lot, whine a lot, and always leave every house in the light on. But my life would be completely boring without them.

8. blogging. holy smokes people. I never knew blogging could be so fun. that I could make friends on here that I feel like I actually know. that I could wait by my email for a blogger to talk to me like a school girl waiting by the phone on a boy to call. it's fun, and entertaining and I love it.

9. ummmm hello, new followers. I finally reached over 200 yesterday and that made my day!

10. family. enough said.

11. obviously there are at least eleventy billion more things I have to be thankful for, but these were just on my mind right now. :)

Linking up with Shanna for Random Wednesday today.
Click the link and find some more great blogs to read.

Happy Wednesday!

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  1. Lol every house in the light on? Is that one of the QOTDs? Love the list! And funny that chicken minis were first, haha. I'm thankful for Chickfila period, lol.

  2. I agree with everything - minus those chickee things but I will be trying them SUPER soon. They look great.

  3. congrats on 200, you are now at 206!!!!

  4. I agree...those chicken minis have my heart and so do their chicken burritos!! YUMMO!! And isn't this blog world amazing!!! Yay for hitting 200 yesterday!!! Well deserved!! Thanks for linking up!! Happy Turkey Day!!

  5. I've never had a chicken mini. I feel like I'm missing something big. I will amend this ASAP.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
