Feb 20, 2013

The Roof of my Mouth

It's that time again.
Time to be random.
Being random to me is like breathing.
I do it without meaning to.
There's just a lot going on in this head....and if I were writing a story, I might try to make it flow. But this is a blog, not writing class.

1. I burnt the roof of my mouth last night. Like seriously bad. My inner fat girl came out when I was finally finished cooking dinner  and I was so hangry I could have eaten a miniature horse. I would show you a picture of my dinner, but I'm a chubster first and a blogger second. So you can guess who won out on that battle. I can tell you that this meal is one of our all time favorites at our house, so we were all four in fat kid heaven last night. And when your husband and kids start whining about the poppy seeds, just cram a spoonful in their mouth and then see what they say, mmmmkay?
2. Weigh-In Wednesday. Guess what? I'm down an elllbee. Holla! Finally back on track and I'm super duper excited about this. In case you are keeping track, that's 11 lbs lost in I guess a little over a month. Not fabulous, but I'll take it.

{For some reason I can't get my Weigh In Wednesday button to work, but you can go here and here to find the linkup and some great posts!}

3. Last night I ran 1 mile. I'm not doing great on my half-marathon training which is the understatement of the year. But I have found that I can't run as often as I would like since I'm an old lady and have too many aches and pains. I think that I am going to try to work on my speed training and then work on my endurance with other exercises like the elliptical. This may not work for everybody, but I'm hoping it works for me. If all else fails, I'll just rely on my stubborness to get me across the finish line. That's how I survived my 10K.

So maybe I only ran one mile last night, but it was my fastest mile yet! I'm so excited about that. I ran it in 9 minutes and 12 seconds. You should know that when I started running (and I use that term very lightly, it was more of a jog for 20 seconds, stop to catch my breath, and then walk for 30 minutes kinda thing) I did a 14 minute mile. In a little over a year, I have dropped almost 5 minutes from my time. Holla! And my goal is to run a mile in under 9 minutes. I don't care if it's 8 minutes and 59 seconds, I just want it under 9.
Question for all my runners, how can I improve my breathing in cold weather? I seriously feel like I am going to die. Help a sista out.
4. Today is a big day. If you have been following me long, you know that I have a dinosaur-ish iphone. Hello Zach Morris. And today, I'm FINALLY getting a new one. {I know you are going to be proud Kimmy.} So basically, get ready for me to be even more annoying on all things social media related. (follow me on IG @MrsLoYoung if you like updates every 4 minutes)
5. Today is also a big day for another reason. I have decided that I'm not quite going to share this on my blog which is weird because I share everything. But if you have been paying attention to things, and you read my secret guest post awhile back, then you would know kind of what I'm talking about. Today is the day I go find out if what I'm taking is working. Got that? And if you have no idea what I am talking about then you can just skip ahead to #6. :) Any prayers that you want to throw my way (or Nany Clue style dances) would be greatly appreciated.
6. Because of #5, I'm only working half a day today. And we all know these are my favorite types of days!
7. If you follow me on IG, then you saw me issue a challenge up yesterday. You see, I love competition. And I love to push myself. And misery loves company. So I decided that everyone (who wants to participate) should see how fast they can do 50 flights of stairs. I did it in 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Feel free to put me to shame....it will def motivate me to do better next time.
But I should warn you, it's super hard to take a pic of this....every time I almost had it where it wasn't blurry, it would pause and the numbers would go away. It's a tough life for us bloggers who need to document everything.

I think that's it for me today....I better get to work since I'm leaving at lunch time. How was your weigh in? Are you working on your fitness? Do you need me to slap you in the face and wake you up and remind you that warm weather is right around the corner??

Happy hump day blog friends!!
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  1. Good luck today ;)I'll do the Nancy Clue dance!

  2. Oh my gosh I am still chuckling over your number one...too funny! Loved this post so much I'm a new follower...you had me at inner fat girl, because I have one too...:))


  3. Keeping you in my thoughts! Good luck today!

  4. Good luck today, I'll pray AND dance just to be safe! xoxox

  5. Good luck today lady I have been praying my head off... and I HATE burning my mouth.

  6. Cant wwait to hear about your appointment!!! Praying for great news!!!

    Also Im a chubster first and a blogger second OMG YES! LOL!!!

  7. Good luck today! Congrats on 11 lbs in a month! That's awesome. And yay for fast miles! You're doing great!

  8. I'm doing the dance and praying lil Mama! I know good things are going to happen!

  9. Yay for a new phone! You should put your dinosaur in a time capsule to open in 20 years haha. And yay for #5! Got Noah's Ark in my head! haha :)

  10. Good luck today. Doing a little dance in my office for you!

  11. Love poppy seed chicken!! my mom's been making it for like 10 years and I am addicted! Can't believe they don't like the poppy seeds! Yeah, you're getting a new iphone, hallelujah! Good luck, here's to hoping you don't have to wait 5 years to find out that...it still isn't working lol. And I've only been running a mile too, uggghh this might be bad come April.

  12. I burned the roof of my mouth this morning after I heated my coffee up in the microwave. Dummy!

  13. Way to go on the Weight Loss!!! And prayers heading your way..

  14. Good luck today!! Sending happy thoughts your way :)

  15. Good luck today!!! ...and a 9 minute mile is fast! :)


  16. 50 flights of stairs would probably take me 50 days... HA!

  17. I'm off to the gym to climb 50 floors. You're going down. :)

  18. Good Luck today!!!

    Also, new phones are the best!

  19. Love the randomness! This is how I normally think. Sometimes it's hard to narrow the topics down. Hope everything goes well today.

  20. Stoping by from the link up. Burnt the roof of my mouth before it hurt so so bad!

  21. Rando posts deserve random comments, so here goes...your mile is way faster than. Mine has ever been, congrats on the pound, 11 in one month is awesome, I love my iPhone, running in cold makes my nose bleed so share the tips you get, and good luck with #5! That is all:)

  22. Good Luck with #5! I think Nancy needs to do an extra dance! Will pray that it goes well!! Hugs!

  23. I find running in cold weather is way harder too. Good thing I live in the Devil's Arm Pit, AKA Louisiana so it doesn't stay cold for long.

    And congrats on the pound lost! I am a slow loser so 11 pounds in a month is alot to me, therefore you are awesome! That's more than a small baby, which is what I know you will have soon:)

  24. YAY for running a mile in 9 mins and 12 secs! I still can't run a mile under 10 (barely under 11)!

  25. Yay on getting a new phone! It took me at least a few months to figure out my new one, but worth it!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog
