Feb 5, 2013

Don't Juuuuuuuudggge Me

I have learned a lot from blogging.
New recipes, new makeup, new workout gear.
New ways to get in shape, new ways to approach dieting, new ways to develop really tight friendships.
But there is one thing I have learned that is above all others.
Don't judge.

I'm guilty of it, of course.
But blogging has introduced me to people that I may not have been friends with in real life. Truth: we normally tend to build friendships with people who live similar lives to us.
But in the blogging world, you "meet" people and become friends with bloggers that can be really different than you.
Of course you have something in common, or else you probably would never be reading their blog...but people from different areas, different ages, and different sizes have broadened my perspective.

I think mainly I mean in the category of weight loss.
I've read so many blogs of people trying to get in shape and working hard to make it happen. But by looking at them, you would never know. This is what makes me want to go up to an overweight person in the gym, obviously there for the first time, and give them a high five!
Tell them way to go! Because walking in that gym was probably more difficult for them than you would think.

I was judged last night at the gym.
It wasn't hurtful at all. Because honestly, I know by looking at me, you can't tell that I work out usually 5 to 7 times a week.
You can't tell that I have honestly been working out for years.
You just see me, not hugely overweight but pretty dang chunky, in my tshirt and pants instead of fancy workout gear.
If you aren't in the gym when I get there and see me doing my thing, you would have no idea that I can probably jump higher than that girl over there in her size 0 workout pants. Or that I can do more situps than her, and more often than not, can probably run faster than her.

You would probably guess that I WAS for way too long that girl that would work out for an hour and then go eat pizza. Thank goodness I'm not her anymore though.

I took a strength and abs class last night.
I knew before going in there that the teacher was an old lady, like at least 400, but I also knew that she was hardcore.
And she was.
What I didn't know was how small the class would be. Only 2 other ladies. Welcome to Small Town USA. And they were older too.....but I've done the classes that all the young 'ens were in, and most of them don't work hard.
One of the ladies told me to get some weights, and she warned me that I should probably start off pretty light.
Now let's be honest, you NEVER know what you are getting into in these classes. For all I knew I was going to be holding those weights the whole entire time over my head, so I just listened. I got 3 lb weights. Which I'm sure a toddler could handle.

30 minutes into the class, all 3 of the ladies wanted to know what kind of normal workout I do because I made it look too easy.
They wanted to know where I took bootcamp and I didn't even mention the word bootcamp.
They made me get the 7.5 lb weights. And they made me lead a leg exercise.

They had judged me. Not in a bad way, just in a natural way.
This girl isn't tiny and she's new to this class, she must not know anything about working out.

I guess I showed them.
And you know what they showed me?
Some old ladies are hardcore.
I WILL be going back to that workout class.
And the cute young extrememly tiny instructor that I attended her class last week? It was so lame that I crossed through her name on my schedule to make sure I NEVER went back to that class again.

So next time you see a chunky girl in the gym, don't judge her.
She might work twice as hard as you.
Or it might have taken her a TON of courage just to get there.
And honestly, that girl over there in the size 0 workout pants? She might have been in a size 12 before she got in the gym.
You just never know.

After all, we are all just trying to become better versions of ourselves.
Us girls gotta stick together. :)

Happy Tuesday Y'all!
Sorry if this was too deep for you, I'll be back tomorrow with a less serious Weigh In Wednesday. Last chance workout tonight!!! Pin It Now!


  1. I think its awesome that you make it to the gym 5-7 days a week! I hope to get back into that routine once this baby is born, I'm almost 39 weeks and certainly have some "baby weight" to work off!

    I'm your newest GFC Follower (They Call Me Mommi) and I'm hopping from The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife :)
    Check out my blog: www.theycallmemommi.com


  2. You're so right. I want to high-five the really over-weight people too but I don't want to offend them if they have been going to the gym for a long time! ya know? I don't know how to be friendly without looking like I'm taking pity out on them! Because that's totally not my case... I guess I should just high-five everyone! That way no one will get there feelings hurt! haha!

  3. I took a bootcamp class *once* and never went back! There was a lady in the class in her 70's (who just so happens to be my great aunt!) and she ran laps around me without breaking a sweat. She works her tail off and looks awesome! I was so embarassed that she was going to call my grandma and they would have a good laugh about how I almost died during class so I never showed my face again :)

  4. Ah, PAM! I freaking love her!! And I totally judged her when I took her class for the first time. I thought "um, is this Silver Sneakers class? This lady is going to be too easy"....then 500 ab exercises later (no.freaking.lie), I had nothing but respect. Of course I should have just looked at her arms and known she was for real. Is it weird that I am jealous of a 70 yr old's arms? Wait, no that's just sad on my part, haha. Does she teach again on Wednesday?

  5. I completely agree! I see runners out on the road or ladies, heck even men, in the gym. Maybe even there walking in jeans. I think in my head- "Way to go!" Being there or getting out on the road is the first and HARDEST step. I myself use to be afraid to step foot in the gym for fear of looking like I didn't know what I was doing, for fear of being judged. It took years to the point where now I am truly comfortable there.

  6. Judgy Judgerson over here! I used to be so bad about that until I actually got off my ass and started working out. New respect here and I will be the first person to stand up and be your cheerleader. Great post!

  7. We're all so guilty of judging one another. Sometimes I think it's because we just want to beat the other person to the punch. I once judged an old lady at my gym, then she did 15 more push ups than me. Burn!

  8. Great post!! I've been wanting to post more about weight loss but have been trying to get back in the routine of running more runs this year so I can post more pics. But you e inspire me to finally write my post about weight loss and how quickly I got to a size 10 just a couple years ago. I heart you and your awesome self. So happy you're back for running. I've missed my running buddies. I better see you at Harbor Town 5k this year!! : )

  9. Ha! Way to make them eat crow! Your lack of Lulu lemon clearly distracted them from the GUNS you were packing! ;)

  10. ROCK ON, girlfriend. I love this! And I'm so proud of you. I've definitely been the judged before...and it sucks. But it feels REALLY good when you prove them wrong :)

  11. Good for you for showing them what you're made of!!
    I'm guilty of judging both on and offline and about well..anything.
    I do think that it's a natural thing...to a certain degree.
    But you're right, you can judge someone, but don't necessarily count them out! ;)
    Blogging has done the same for me.
    I may not like or agree with everything from all of the new people I meet, but there is still a friendship that can be made & there are still things we can all relate to and all that good stuff. It's good to have a support system or to be someones support system!

  12. Great post! I feel like my mind's been changed about overweight ladies in bikinis...you never know what their weight loss journey has been like, so rock it if you want to! Way to be a cougar teacher at the gym!

  13. You are a much nicer person than I am. Good for you for showing them what's up!

    One of the main reasons I hate the gym is because of all the judging. I just want to go do my thing and then leave. That's it....

  14. I seriously need to get myself a gym membership. I have zero motivation.. such a slacker!

  15. My last 5k I hurt my ankle so I stopped real quick to stretch it. It was still bothering me so I slowed down a bit. This woman ran by and was cheering for me to "keep it up! You can do it! " like I needed it or something. I felt like the overweight woman who others felt needed a pity party. I was actually offended and couldn't shake it off of me I was so upset. I was more upset because I felt god on the inside but was reminded of what others saw on the outside. For that reason, I will never go high-five someone or tell them good job unless I have physically seen them make a change. I, too, love running circles around my thin friends. We get a chuckle out of it. You definitely can't judge a book by its cover. Wonderful post!
