Feb 7, 2013

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Tiger Football

Somehow, I managed to get up at 4:30 this morning, work out for an hour, shower and get everything ready and get to work by 6:35.
Not sure how, but I did.
And I feel great!

I love working out in the mornings.
It really gets my days going the right way and it makes me on point the entire day.
I am forcing myself to get back in this habit.

Somewhere along the way of reading blogs yesterday, I got in superwoman mode. I read several blogs where the girls were doing awesome losing weight, I read one where the girl WAS at the weight I am now so that hit close to home, and I read one where the girl talked about not just doing "just enough".
So yeah, I'm super charged and ready to get after it.

Today at school, the girls have to dress like a character.
They had to read a biography, write a summary that was so not fun to help with, and dress up as the person today to tell the class about what they read.

Alex is Laura Ingalls Wilder.
This is fun because I was actually named after her.
Except I'm Lora not Laura.
And it absolutely positively drives me NUTS when people call me Laura. Note to self if we ever blate.
Alex's Nana spent forever making her a bonnet and an apron.
Which is great because I can do a lot of things,
but sewing sure isn't one of them.
She had the outfit right down to the ugly shoes and knee socks.
I'm pretty proud of her outfit.

{Even though I'm pretty sure Laura never wore a dress from Lands End.}

Kate chose Annie Oakley.
Which was good for her because Annie was a tomboy.
Yes, I freaking read BOTH books so I could make sure their summaries were good. Good thing I'm a super fast reader.
And Kate is a MAJOR tomboy.
I can't imagine where she gets that from.
Her costume was a little simpler.
She had a bandana, but wouldn't wear it.
She needed to carry her BB gun to complete the outfit, but I was pretty sure that the school might frown upon that.
The funny part about Kate is that she hates when I take her picture.
It's always a painful look that I get.
And I can't wait to show these to future boyfriends.
But, amazingly, when she takes a pic of herself and puts it on her Instagram she LOVES smiling/duck facing it up.
{Yes, my kids have IG. Yes, I follow them closely and they are private and they aren't allowed to be friends with anyone that they don't know. And no, I told them they COULD NOT follow me on there. :) }

This pic is the painful one she took for me.
Just look at that pitiful face!

And this was the best out of like 5.

And this is her pic that she posted on Instagram.

Too cool for school.
Anyone notice a difference??

In other random news, FH brought me home a prize this morning.
Well, he also brought me home a Red Bull, the man knows me well.

So, as a kid, I slept with a stuffed football.
I'm not even playing.
No dolls, no teddy bears, this girl slept with a football. ALWAYS.
I still have it actually.
Well, FH saw this football and thought of me.
I'm pretty sure he spent an absurd amount of money winning it for me from one of the claw machines.
He said that he has been trying to win it for weeks.
And finally got it today.
I LOVE the Tigers!
Who needs flowers when you get gifts like this?!

Who knew you could blog about Laura Ingalls Wilder, Annie Oakley, and Tiger football all in one post?

Also, I'm 4 followers away from 400!! I'm really excited about this...so if you have 4 people that you could send my way, that would be GREAT! :)

That's all I got for today.

Happy Thursday everybody!
So excited that we are on the downward slope towards the weekend. :)
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  1. Ok I was cracking up at your child and her Instagram picture comparison! She smiles like my husband does. In all our wedding pictures he looks like he's being tortured, but if he takes a selfy next to his four wheeler or something equally as lame, he cheeses it up. Stubborn!

  2. Only 2 followers away now! Laura's outfit was awesome. How much advanced notice did you get? I was wondering where you dug up that bonnet. Thought maybe you had been to Mammaw's house, lol!

  3. You just need one more!!!!!! Eeeekkkkkkkk

  4. You're almost there!!! They both look so dang cute, and how come everyone calls me Lora, wth?!

  5. OMG! Those are the kind of smiles I get from my son. When he grandma takes his picture, he flashes his normal, cute smile. Kids!!

  6. Their costumes are great! And the selfie of Kate after the pitiful picture she gave you is too funny.

  7. Awesome job on those costumes! You are a rock star for getting up at 4:30 this morning!!! Way to go!!!! Tigers Rule!!!!!

  8. Love the football, what a thoughtful gift!

  9. What a sweetheard :) I love surprise gifts :) And your girls are prec :)

  10. Those girls are so cute! I really LOL'd at that painful pic! Haha! Yay for 400 followers!

  11. that is super impressive you did all that so early! and the girls looks so cute!
