Feb 8, 2013

Burnt Toast

It's Friday!
This week is toast if we can get through the next 8 hours.

Burnt cinnamon toast to be exact. Which is what Kate made for her breakfast this morning.
{See what I did there?}

Let's link up here and do some Friday letters, shall we?
Dear work, I'm tired of doing you. (twss) Work is seriously getting in the way of my social life and it needs to stop. Dear MFP challengers, I JUST realized this morning that today was suppose to be my MFP 5 week challenge link up....but since I just remembered, it AIN'T happening. You should know that I weighed this morning though and I am down 2 lbs in 2 days! Now, if only I can keep it off during the weekend. Dear FH, I'm super excited that you surprised me this morning by leaving some Dove chocolate in the car for me, but it was slightly laughable when you said "Don't eat the whole thing at once!" Do people actually eat half of a candy bar? I've never heard of such a ludicrous thought.

cookies and cream get in my belly!

Dear Laura and Meredith, I'm super excited {and nervous} about our blate tomorrow. But most first blates involve beer, chips, and salsa and ours involves a 10K...I'm thinking we might should have planned this out better. Dear self, if you could please stop dressing like a college student for work, that would be great. I know it's comfty and all, but it makes it a LITTLE bit awkward when you get called into a surprise meeting with the Director of the Finance Center. Although, I'm sure they are proud that you support the Tigers on a daily basis.

Bathroom selfie. Diet Dr K included. {Why the crap do I always look surprised? I'm the one taking the dang picture so you know I was expecting it. Washing hair not required.

Dear paycheck this week, I love you. Thanks for being bigger than normal thanks to finally getting my raise this month. I'll make sure I show you some love by spending you like you're burning a hole in my pocket. Dear Cupid, can I treat you like Santa Claus? If so, all I want for valentines day is this or this and maybe some more Dove chocolate as seen above. Don't worry, I already told FH too just in case you drop the bomb and forget to do your job.
Dear school, please don't ask children if they want to go home for the day just because they kinda think their stomach might hurt. It creates a problem when I leave work early to come pick them up, they watch a movie...and then decide that they want to go outside to play because they feel all better. I'm talking to you Kate.
Dear new followers, I'm so glad you came to my little neck of the woods internet. Make sure you leave me a comment to say hello. Hope that you stay awhile.

Dear friends, Happy Freaking Friday!!!!!!
Please say a tiny prayer that I survive tomorrow. My poor extra large legs don't always cooperate. And feel free to yell for me on IG, you know I'll be on there at least eleventy billion times. (@MrsLoYoung)
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  1. lol you are right about the 8 more hours, cant wait!

  2. Woohoo for raises!!! And don't be nervous about the blat - I think we've met once or twice. What if Meredith doesn't like us? = ) Lol.

  3. Haha who eats half a candy bar?? AMEN! Some people suggest buying hershey kisses and eating a few of day to give in to your chocolate craving... I would eat the whole bag if I knew it was there!

  4. Ashley @ thesweetseasonblog.com hosts the Friday's Letters linkup :-) Good luck with your run tomorrow! I'm jealous!!

  5. that candy bar is calling my name! why do you taunt me like that?! happy friday! good luck surving another seven hours!!

  6. My husband makes the best cinnamon toast. The cinnamon and sugar somehow crystalize on the bread and it is SO freaking good. Was that Random?? Oops.

    So excited tomorrow and I already love you girls. I would be nervous too except that I feel like I already know y'all!

  7. Congrats on the loss! That's awesome girl...and that candy bar looks awesome-er..yes, it's a word. But anyway, I can definitely tell you're losing. You look alot thinner in that picture! That's awesome:) Very proud of you

  8. Good luck on your 10K! You will do great!

    PS -- I am dressed like a college student today as well. Gotta love casual Fridays

  9. First off, omg why is that Bosu ball so expensive! I am sure I can make a redneck version for much less, lol. And that adjustable "powerbell" looks awesome! And good luck to you and Laura and Meredith tomorrow!!!

  10. Congratulations on the raise - that's great! I love that you include your daughters in your posts :)

  11. Great referrence to the toast there. Love the letters! Yes....some of us DO eat only 1/2 a candy bar (portion control is HARD, but WELL worth it!!!!). Good luck with your 10K. Congrats on your raise!!!!

    Happy Freakin Weekend!

  12. Dear Paycheck, Why can't you follow Lora's paycheck's lead and stop disappearing so freakin' fast?!?

  13. Good luck tomorrow! You're going to do great!
