Feb 13, 2013

So (Freaking) What?!

Today I'm linking up here for So What Wednesday.
So What Wednesday
And this linkup goes along perfectly with this Wednesday that feels like it should be a Friday but is pretending to be a Monday.
Sorry if that didn't make any sense.
So What......
.....if I'm suppose to do Weigh In Wednesday today but I'm just not going to. The scale is not my friend.
.....if I told my friend KellyAnne to bring it this week because I was going to be her competition...and then I totally forgot to bring it. And she totally as usual brought it!
.....if all I have wanted to do this week is sit and eat chocolate and read my book. This is why I haven't read a good book in months because I know that my desire to work out sprials downward.
.......if I DESPISE Valentine's day. But for real. I hate this whole week. FH works a million overtime hours since so many people are shipping stuff. I just want all the chocolate to go away and my husband to be at home!
....if this feels like the longest week ever
.....if I wasn't planning on blogging today at all, and then realized that the SO WHAT concept would be perfect for my mood. And I also knew I didn't want to miss a day of emails/comments from my blog friends.
....if I am a freaking workout/healthy eating machine from Wednesday through Friday and then Saturday through Tuesday I'm a total slacker.
.....if I called to make a dentist appointment yesterday, waited way longer than I should have while the lady looked up my name, got mad that she couldn't find it because I swear I have been there a million times, and then I realized that I CALLED THE WRONG DENTIST. Oops.
So What if I'm already watching the clock and counting down the hours until the work day is over...this Momma needs a vacation! :)
Happy Hump Day Y'all!
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  1. Haha I laughed at the dentist bit!!
    I am with you... I usually eat good Monday thru Friday, and fail miserably on Saturday and Sunday. I need a vacation.

  2. The dentist thing is something that I would do. The weekends kill me too. I am pretty sure if weekends were non existent that I could lose more than .4 pounds a week. We gotta figure out the key to surviving the weekends. Is it just WILLPOWER?

  3. The scale hasn't been kind to me either, but that's kind of my own fault. I took a "work from home" day today and have done exactly 0 work. Oh well, I'm just looking forward to the weekend.

  4. Lets burn all scales. We can wear chevron while doing it

  5. Life happens and it is ok! You just freaking ran your first 10k. I know for me after a race I always have this grieving period. Seriously, it is so much anticipated then it comes and then it's done. Maybe you are grieving?? Lol but seriously. Maybe?

  6. I have to force myself to like Valentines Day...it sort of works. And I agree this week feels like it's stretching on forEVER! Pass me the chocolate and the book!

  7. fellow hater of VD here too. I want my husband to be nice to me on random days...not days that Hallmark decided. Plus if he ever bought me flowers, I would punch him right in the gut. I am too practical. If you want to buy me something, just get me a gift card to Target.

  8. I totally feel you lady - this week has been a working out fail for me - I have managed to count every morsel going in my mouth for WW - small victories :) Cheer up - it's almost over!

  9. Wow I think You, Lisa, and I all drank the same attitude Kool-aid!

  10. I'm in a funk and I usually don't hate V-Day but Brian has to go in early tomorrow so whatever! Ugh!

  11. Fellow VDay hater in the house. Commercialized crappola.

    hahaha on the dentist snafu.
