Feb 11, 2013

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

FH married a Grandma.
He didn't realize it.
But then, this happened.
And now I can barely walk.
My legs keep giving out on me and it is not fun.
Even worse is that I'm going to an abs and strength class tonight which I refuse to miss.....but it's really hard to work out when you can barely get up from a sitting position.
Surely my legs can't be that tired.
I mean, I only made you run 6 miles, there are people out there that run lots more than that!

That time just has to be documented because you should know that my goal was 1 hour and 15 minutes. And I beat that by 10 minutes.
But all I could think about was how when I do my half in April, I will only be halfway done with the race at this time.
I'll be on bed rest for months after that.

Also, I forgot to tell y'all something hilarious that happened while I was running. So, you know, we were running in the streets.
Well, there I was minding my business when I heard squealing tires and horrible brakes and I just knew I was going to die.
I ran up on the sidewalk and looked around to see how many casualties there were.
I didn't see anything.
And then I realize that the sqealing car and screeching brakes came from the song that I was listening to.
Crisis averted.
I can only imagine what the people running behind me thought of this.

Before the race we looked like this:
And then after the race we looked like this:

And next time, our blate will consist of more dancing and eating and less running. Or actually maybe not, this was pretty dang fun.

Now I can't wait until my next run.
I guess I will at least have to wait until I can walk again.
Details, details.

Oh and I was really mad when I crossed the finish line and didn't win any money. Apparently my daughter made this part up when she drew her picture of me crossing the finish line.

You can imagine my thoughts on no money.
There were bagels though, which I thought were doughnuts.
I'm pretty sure I might be the only fat kid there that was hoping for doughnuts. I felt like we all deserved them.

Hope everybody had a great weekend. I'm pretty sure I blew my diet on Saturday and Sunday just because I was still celebrating my run. I should learn not to do that.

But before you go, could you do me a favor?
Head over to my friend Erin's blog and show her some love.
She got some bad news recently and I know she could use some extra encouraging words. :)

Hope everybody has a Happy Monday!!!

Pin It Now!


  1. Glad it's over. Now when's the next one ha?! Could my face be any redder in that pic. Bad lighting too lol.

  2. Laughing so hard about the tires squeeling. I have this song where someone whispers in just one ear bud. I don't know how many times I have jumped because I thought someone was right behind me. You would think that I would know by now. Great run! You are probably sorer than usual because you pushed yourself.

  3. Awesome job girl! I would have wanted a donut too, and I probably would have had seconds!

  4. I thought they were doughnuts too at first. and I felt completely insatiable all day Saturday. I could not eat enough. It wasn't until we cooked out hamburgers and I downed nearly a whole tub of Pancho's cheese dip that I felt full. Ahhh yes and it was GOOD!

  5. Too funny about that song! I have done that in my car before, well, the looking all around part not so much the getting up on the sidewalk part, lol

  6. I laughed so hard at the screaching tires that my 3 year old came running over to see what was so funny. And I think we should totally get doughnuts at the end of a race. And again, great time!

  7. Uh...lame question...what's a "blate"?

    Also, you did an amazing job in your 10k! You had a really good pace, so no wonder your legs feel like death. :)

  8. I literally laughed out loud to the song.... Ie done that before

  9. Hey Granny, Lora!! Do you need a reverse mortgage or assistance with your Medicare Part D coverage?

  10. that is so sweet that you beat your goal time! way to go!

  11. Glad I'm not the only one who reacts to the noises in the music I listen to! Thanks for that literal LOL!

  12. HELLO HELLO, I've been following you on istagram for like ever now and finally sat down to find your blog. Love this post. Im not dieting but I had chips, salsa and a cupcake for lunch......I ran 8 miles yesterday so its ok right lol. Super stoked about your half, thats awesome. Mines in 3 more weeks, I can't wait till its OVER!!!!
