Feb 21, 2013

The Ice that Didn't Happen

I was suppose to wake up to ice/sleet this morning.
And then schools and work closing.
That's how I planned it.
And it didn't happen.
I was suppose to be stuck in the house all day with nothing to do but read and lounge and ignore laundry and dishes.
I even had bread in the house and plenty of food.

True fact: I wake up once every night to go to the bathroom.
See also: I have a small bladder.
When I woke up around 1 last night/this morning, I checked facebook and then my weather app (in that order) to find out if there was ice.
Cause looking out the window would be too much work.
Down but not out.
It could still happen, right?

Around 5:30 AM I got a text from FH that said "sorry, no ice".
But there was rain.
Well played Mother Nature, well played.
Rain is just annoying, but it doesn't get me out of work.
It just frizzes my hair like a mother.

So here I sit at work.

Surprisingly, even though I didn't get the day off work, I'm in a great mood.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's Thursday!
Almost the weekend.
And I got a new phone last night that is lightning fast.
Or the fact that I started out my day with this text:

I only had to pay her $1 to get her to send this text.

Hope everybody has a Happy Thursday....and maybe it will start sleeting soon and I can go home....maybe. :) Pin It Now!


  1. I am at work too, but the entire family is home with a snow day. It makes no sense to me, because there is no snow on the ground. But there is the threat of snow. These people are a bunch of pansies!

    Also, what is up with the bread? I will never understand that. I buy bread maybe once a month, if that. So, let's all go to the store and stock up.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. that suckssss. i wish ice for you. thank the lord it's thursday

  3. We are getting 5-9 inches of snow in Iowa today :) I plan on using this to get me out of work early..and possibly a snow day on Friday. How did yesterday go?? Or are you sharing this? ;)

  4. We had ice, but I didn't even know that was supposed to happen. I was trapped on the island lol; the bridge leaving Harbor Town was shut down by cops lol. Small bladder and you only get up once at night to use the bathroom. I get up about 4-6 times haha.

  5. Ughh I always get up at least once to pee and it takes me forever to go back to sleep! Sorry you're stuck at work, but at least you're in a good mood :) And I'm sure you are looking super hot today! Now where's my $1??

  6. It is supposed to be headed this way.. blah.... Love the text - too funny.

  7. So YOU are the one that jenks us, being all prepared!! :)

  8. ugh I feel ya girl. I work for a college and hoped all night for a Snow Day. then I called the snow line like 4 times even though I knew coworkers were already at work.. booooo

  9. The news just said the ice is still heading your way! I get up to pee about 10 times at night, and you think you have a small bladder:)

  10. We got snow, sleet rain and thunder. Crazy weather. The kids had school, there's more crap on the way today. Your text from Kate is too sweet!

  11. The City has been SO on top of snow clean up this year that every time it snows, they have the streets ready for morning commute. My commute still doubles, but I don't have an excuse for staying home (and I've waited until the last minute to see if the tide will change so then I'm late for work and have to stay late). I'm so over this winter!! I'm seriously considering finding a hacker to get my a list of all plow truck drivers so I can make some house calls!

  12. haha, the text thingy and your comment is just too funny!

  13. We got an ice day! How did it skip you?

    and you are hot.

  14. Here is So. Illinois we were expecting no school or work either and here I sit at work as well. My 5 year old son was less than thrilled about having to go to school. Mother Nature is so unpredictable!

  15. Haha - sweet girl :) I also get up once a night to use the restroom :) Durn mother nature not working with you!

  16. Well, all I can say, neighbor, is I am glad to know you have bread so the next time this happens I won't worry! Lol! I always have more than enough bread and milk. Not sure what the deal was this week.

  17. Oh the curse of small bladder. I feel you!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog
