Nov 30, 2011


My Mom tried to get "Alex Faye" to stick as your nickname, but I just couldn't handle it!!

The baby of the family and you sure do play the part. You believe that you are a real live princess, this is your world and we all just live in it. You have the confidence that I wish every little girl could have (including myself). You don't care what everyone else is doing or what's popular, you just do your own thing.

You only like to take pictures if you are the only person in the picture. You don't like your sister to touch you and you DEFINATELY don't want her in your room.

You amaze me every day with your drive for success. If your teacher tells you to learn 2 Bible verses, you learn 5. If your teacher gives you the next 5 weeks worth of spelling words, you go through and learn all the difficult ones on the first night. You strive for excellence and you make me proud.

You are the only princess that I know that can still throw on her tennis shoes and play sports.

Your favorite colors are pink and sparkly. You love peace signs and dresses and you LOVE to read.

Your favorite thing to do lately is to watch a movie alone in your room.

You have something against pajamas and like to prance around the house with no clothes on when I let you, even if it is freezing. At bedtime, you want all the lights out, the closet door open, and about 10 blankets on you (since you don't have on PJs). You call me into your bedroom all the time after I think you have fallen asleep already. You once even called me into your room about 30 minutes after lights out just to ask me a question about the wedding.

You are a big thinker, who likes big numbers, big words, and is not afraid of a challenge.

You don't let anyone or anything intimidate you. I will never forget watching you walk right up to the teacher in gymnastics on your first day, ignoring all the little girls that had been there since they could walk.

You are boy crazy, and I NEVER stop hearing about the boy at school that you like! NEVER EVER!

I pray that you never lose your confidence, I pray that you confide in me all your life. I pray that even though you never need my reassurance on anything, that you will still need me in other ways. I pray that you never stop playing sports and getting dirty just because you are true royalty. I pray that you find a VERY VERY rich husband one day who can buy you lobster and shrimp (your favorite) and build you the castle that you talk about, and I pray that he can afford the wedding that you have been talking about since you were 3. I pray that you become everything that you want to be.

I love you Alex Claire Steppe!!! Pin It Now!

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