Nov 30, 2011

Katie May

                                        Never did we intend to call you Katie May but somehow it just stuck.

My oldest daughter, you are what your sister will look like in 9 minutes. You are the first person who made me a mom. You paved the way for your sister by coming out with two black eyes. Alex was older the whole time I was pregnant but at the last minute, you became first in line to enter my life.

You have the kindest heart, the sweetest intentions.

You love your sister so much that you can't ever get enough of her. You beg her to let you spend the night in her room or for her to sleep in yours. You always want her to play "friend" with you, but you will usually give in to whatever it is she wants to play.

You need hugs, kisses, and lots of reassurance that I love you more than life.

Ever night you make me leave your closet light on, but your closet door shut. And sometimes you still get me to check under your bed, you are so sure that there is something there that honestly I am a little afraid to look.

You love sports, playing outside, and getting dirty. You are exactly like I was when I was little. You LOVE to help in the kitchen, baking cookies or whatever I let you help with.

You always give me a smile when I drop you off at school, and you always tell me how much you love me.

You have perfect handwriting and you write your spelling words over and over again each week until you get them right.

You have your own style that fits your personality perfectly. Skinny jeans and your Converse sneakers is your go-to outfit for now.

You make THE goofiest faces I have ever seen just to make me laugh, and I have yet to find a song on the radio that you don't know every single word to.

You are boy crazy, and I mean you got it bad. I hope you grow out of this although I am not crazy enough to believe that you will.

I pray that I never stop being your best friend, I pray that you confide in me all your life. I pray that you reach every goal that you set for yourself, and I pray that you set your goals high.

I love you Kathryn Paige Steppe!!! Pin It Now!

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