Nov 4, 2011

Run Forrest Run!!!

I have recently gotten into running. I have been building up my time SLOWLY and I am really enjoying it. I get up at 5:30 in the morning and it starts my day out great! Lately, Kate and Alex have been begging to go with me. I NEVER thought they would actually get up and go so I told them I would wake them up yesterday morning. Well, yesterday morning, I woke up to rain. I am not quite hardcore enough yet to run in the rain so I decided not to, but I did go ahead and get up and out of bed. I decided to go wake up the girls to see what they would do. More to prove to them how early it was and so they would stop asking me to wake them up when I run. So I woke them both up and said "Come on, wake up, time to go run!" in my peppy morning voice. And yes, I am annoyingly peppy in the mornings......To my surprise, they both popped up and said they were going! I couldn't believe it....then I had to tell them we weren't actually going. I heard all about it yesterday, how I said I would run and then didn't.

So, this morning, it was up and at 'em at 5:30. I CANNOT believe the girls actually got up and ran with me. What 8 year old does that? I usually stick to my training schedule, which does 2 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking throughout the whole time. Well, I warned the girls that I wasn't going to slow down and there was no whining. They stayed together about 10 steps behind me and I could hear them talking. Here are some of the phrases I overheard:

-My face is froze!
-Mom, when are we going to walk again?
-Kate, can I wear your 'boggan?
-Alex, mom is so fast!

Kate gave in at 10 minutes. She said she was done and walked back to the house. Alex would not quit. She got up beside me when I was walking so she could talk to me. I asked her if she liked running. Her response: "yes ma'am. but I think I like it during the summer better than the winter" (couldn't agree more) I asked her if she was ready to stop at 20 minutes and she said she wasn't stopping. I could tell she wasn't going to quit until I did so we went on in. (Not that I go much longer than that normally!)

When we got back home, they both wanted to know how many miles we ran! I didn't have the heart to tell them that it was one at the most! Then, we all celebrated with doughnuts!!

We'll see if they are as anxious to get up tomorrow morning....... Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Maybe you can loan me some of your motivation!!
