Jan 23, 2013

Why Doesn't the Toothfairy have PayPal?

So, this happened last night.
You know, because if I forgot I would get the mom of the year award.
And I'm not gonna say it's never happened.
There was this one time at band camp when one of the girls came running in my room to tell me that the toothfairy didn't come.
Luckily, I had a $1 right beside my bed so I wouldn't forget. FAIL.
So I slipped that bad boy under my pillow real slick-like and pulled it out and said "Oh look, that silly toothfairy put it in here. Must be because you come get in my bed sometimes."
She totally bought it.
Mission accomplished.
Luckily she was like 5 then.
The girls haven't lost a tooth in a LONG time so I knew I might forget.
I didn't though....thanks to my alarm.

That dang tooth fairy. Gets all the credit.
Just like Santa.
Do you know how lucky it was that I actually had a dollar?!
Who carries cash nowadays?
And then, the tooth fairy didn't even get any credit.....Alex said "it was raining dolla bills and one landed on my pillow"
Cause it's normal for a 9 year old to say "dolla" right?

at least she learned at a young age that you should never let anyone take a pic of you when you first roll outta bed

Wanna know what else happened yesterday?
Let's pretend like the answer is yes.
This happened:
I registered for my first 10K.
And I'm really scared.
I can appreciate the fact that it says "run/walk" so I won't feel so bad when I have to walk some.
I'm also super excited about it.....except for the fact that it is in Feb, like the beginning of Feb.
What was I thinking?!
This happened yesterday too:

half marathon training y'all!!

I haven't gotten very fast yet, I'm still working on that part.
But I have gotten where I can run farther without stopping and where I'm not DYING when I get done.
So, that's something.

Also, today is 3 weeks straight of me working out every day.
Now, before you jump on me and tell me I need a rest day...you should know that I have had rest days. Or at least my version of them.
I don't run every day. I don't do anything every day. I switch it up.
I have to, or else I get really bored.
I've even found myself not loving the elliptical lately....which is just crazy. So I'm trying to keep it interesting and do different things.
And on rest days, I just walk. Slow and easy but enough to still burn calories...I never knew burning calories was like a drug.
Now, I have to do it every day or I feel lost.

And now......what you have been waiting for......probably not, but let's pretend.
Weigh In Wednesday.
***can I get a drum roll please??**
No, you cannot get a drum roll....1 lb does not deserve a drum roll.
Kidding. Kind of.
So, I only lost 1 lb this week...but at least it's a lb in the right direction.
I could have done better. I could have skipped a few food items and not eaten them JUST BECAUSE I had the calories left.
I think I am most bummed about this because I was down 2 lbs on like Sunday and somehow I managed to gain 1 of those back.
Such is life.
I'm still excited that I am sticking with my program...I mean, really, 3 weeks! I have never stuck to any kind of weight loss program that long. For that, I am proud.

Can't wait to read how everyone else is doing....follow the button to read more stories!

Happy Wednesday Y'all.
And in case you were wondering, NO, I haven't figured out the internet at my house yet. Slice my eyeball open with a rusty butterknife. It's really starting to make me mad.
Today, I'm gonna have K&A look at it and see if they can figure it out.

See y'all tomorrow....or again later today if I get bored. :)
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  1. Dying over the dolla dolla bills y'all comment. That is hilarious.

    Lots of looooooove for you for your first VDay 10k! Do you see what I did there? Love. Vday.

  2. Best. Blog. Title. Ever...! & yay for signing up for the race!

  3. I forgot to tell you too that last year the Valentines 10k fell on the coldest day of the year. It was 13 degrees. I thought my hands had frost bite till about mile 3. It snowed. It was freaking freezing! Hopefully a little warmer this year!

  4. I've forgotten the tooth fairy before too. Mom fail. I wasn't even slick like you with the handy dollar either.

  5. I had to LOL at it's raining dolla bills. Hyserical! You will rock the 10k! Keep up your hard work girl, one pound is a lot! Happy Wednesday!

  6. An L.B. is a L.B. girl. Great job.. and you will do great with your 10K - promise. Look at you all working out and shi* everyday - hahaha. Just had to say it. You are doing great - this half is going to be our BIA!!!!!

  7. OMG "Raining Dollas"! Too funny. My 3 year old is obsessed with thinking she's losing a tooth.

    Way to go on the loss and good luck with your 10K. I'm still to chicken to run outside in the cold.

  8. Love the blog title!!! 1lb is still great! Always better than a gain :) 3 weeks of straight work outs is impressive. I usually take 2 days off...may need to limit that to only 1. Keep up the good work!


  9. You are doing amazing, so I definitely believe you earned a drumroll for that. Even if it's only 1 lb, you've done so great for 3 weeks! Amazing! :)

  10. 1 pound does deserve a drum roll! You are doing great. I am going to try swimming or an easy walk on my rest days. I always forget the tooth fairy. My poor kids have cried many times b/c she did not come. Now they know she isn't real so it's easier. they just ask for their dolla!

  11. I think it's awesome how great you're doing! Way to go!

  12. Three straight weeks are amazing! Gold star! :)

  13. Glad the TF dropped off a dolla! Congrats on the loss! Every lb counts!

  14. Dang! Let it rain "dolla bills" over at my house!!! That blog title is awesome and I'm so afraid that when my boys get old enough, I'm going to forget too!

    Congrats on the 1lb, it's not a gain, so ain't nothin' to be ashamed of! At least that's how I see it ;)

  15. The going rate around here for ONE tooth is a five dollar bill... we're getting scammed by the little ones! lol

    Congrats on the loss, even if its not as much as you were hoping for its still good to see the number go down and not up

  16. Congrats on the poundage lost :) PS - your girls sound awesome - their mama must be doing something right :)

  17. Get it girl! I forgot to weigh in this am after a drama filled night soooooooo I hope I'm in the one pound loss w you!


  18. So funny lol. Everything else has Paypal by now :P

  19. YAY your first 10k SO exciting!!!! You got this girlfriend! And congrats on the loss every 1 gets you closer to your goal!!!!

  20. I linked over from Holly. Cracking up at the tooth fairy story....I did the exact same thing!

  21. Great on registering for your first 10k! Congrats down 1 lb!

  22. LOL my kids must think the tooth fairy is a biotch because I can't tell you how many times I've rushed them to bed w/o putting their tooth under their pillow because I didn't have any cash on me... or better yet, when they wake up and find a bunch of quarters under their pillow! LOL - true story!

    Anyways, good luck on the loss last week... hope you're having a good week so far this week!
