Jan 14, 2013

Well Ya See What Happened Was.....

It's Monday.
Get excited.
I was going to do my normal weekend update this morning.
But then I realized that I can't really even remember what we did Friday night. It seems like it was a long time ago.
So, instead, I'm going to tell you about a problem that I have.
I know I told myself I wouldn't get TOO PERSONAL on this blog....
but well, sometimes it happens.
If you aren't ready to read about my personal problems, then you should probably just skip this post.

Okay, are you ready?
{Should I be worried about the sanity of you people wanting to read about my problems?? Probably not, I'm nosy too....}

I have....wait for it....this problem.
It's difficult to deal with and I have to figure out ways around it EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND.
It's not something to be taken lightly, y'all.
Unless you have been there, you won't understand.

Some of you might have heard of similar stories....
but at my house, living with me on a daily basis, I have
a husband that wants to eat out every single meal of every single weekend.
I kid you not.

For real.

We wake up and he's all "Where you want to eat breakfast?"
Even if I've already been at the gym for 2 hours working out that morning while he was snoozing.
Then, while we are mid-breakfast-stuffing-face, he will say "So, where can we eat lunch?"
He plans dinners out during the week.
I know he does.
He googles high calorie restraunts and will plant cravings in my mind.
Then he acts all sweet and helps me figure out what low cal food I can order so I can stay under my goal.
He's even gone so far as to say "Come on, you can run around the block when we get home to gain more calories."

sauce boss

Last night, we went to the grocery.
Got tons of great food, spent lots of money.
As we were unloading the groceries, he said "So, you want to go eat Mexican?"
I told y'all it was a problem.

He claims that we eat "from our kitchen" all week so we shouldn't during the weekend.

He is right about that part.
I don't go anywhere during the week.
For real, my Mom hammered it into my mind so well when I was younger that even when the girls aren't home, I'll be like "No, we can't do that, it's a school night."
Please don't ever ask me to go anywhere with you during the week {unless it's the gym} because 9.5 times out of 10, I'm not going to come.

So, we eat out all weekend.
There is a bright side to this story though, I finally got him to quit making cookies every single night, and the people at the yogurt place don't know our names anymore.
Baby steps.

I dream of the day that we can eat our own food during the weekend.
Maybe, just maybe, one day this will happen.

Please note, FH does actually work around my "lifestyle change" of eating and is very helpful and supportive. No husbands were harmed in the making of this blog.

In other news, I got my new watch!!!
And I love it!
Totally worth the money.
Not to mention, I spent half the weekend in the gym.
So that's like 50% gym, 50% random restraunts.

There's your weekend update.

Hope everybody had a happy weekend! Happy Monday!!
Pin It Now!


  1. we did the eat out every meal thing this weekend too...mehh. I wasn't happy this morning when I got on the scale...I had a 3 pound gain, eventhough I worked out every damn day! I'm blaming the alcohol...hopefully by Wednedays Weigh in I'm back down atleast 5el bees. Or I'm going anorexic I swear!

  2. He likes to grill though so maybe that will be fun and new for a while on the weekends once it gets warm again! haha. But awesome job living at the gym half the weekend too though.

  3. I feel your pain sister. We don't eat out every meal on the weekends but I have a husband who LOVES food, loves to cook and loves even more to eat. and eat ALOT. He is part Italian so that doesn't help either. I tend to make good choices especially throughout the week while at work(away from him,lol) but on the weekends its tough. That is why my workouts may have become somewhat obsessive(see new blog post coming today).

    It will be VERY hard but you can choose the healthier options. This coming from the girl who wants to stuff chips and dip in her pie hole and loves random restraunts so I can try their fries. hehe- Have a great Monday!

  4. I had to watch my husband eat french frys and foot long coney from sonic this weekend and as he was washing it down with a giant Dr. Pepper he asked if I wated to go have MExican for dinner! Ummm no. The worst part? He got ont he scale this morning, "Oh yay I lost a pound" The little shit. I'm not jealous or anything! This is post is so familiar!

  5. I totally relate to you. I sucked all weekend. Friday night was frozen yogurt. I wake Saturday morning and the hubs wanted to go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I told him that I can make him french toast at home so that I am not tempted to eat hash brown casserole. Crisis 1 diverted. Lunch was a mexican restaurant, dinner was pizza. Sunday he wanted me to cook Dorito Chicken casserole. WTH! I am not going to lose weight with these food choices. Back on track today though.

  6. My favorite restaurants for staying "on-plan" are Chipotle (salad or burrito bowl), Noodles & Co (the Med menu is pretty forgiving--especially if you order a small), Panera (U pick 2 menu with salad and half-sandwich or soup), and Ruby Tuesday (seriously, the BEST healthy options ever). Most of those aren't sit-down restaurants, though. It would be hard to eat three meals out--yikes! The temptation!

  7. I found your blog through the Helene In Between giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  8. I always complain about living in the middle of nowhere but I guess the upside is that there aren't many opportunities for eating out lol

  9. I hate paying so much to eat out when I know I can make awesome (and better for you) food at home! So we definitely limit it to once or twice a month if possible!

  10. I am dying laughing at your hubby in the Sauce Boss crown. Hilarious!

  11. My husband is the same way. We save more money when he's working. My problem isn't only on the weekends because he has shift work and is off every 3 to 4 days. Good luck.

  12. Sounds just like my husband! I even try to meal plan for the weekend, but feel like it's pointless since he just wants to eat out...men! :)

  13. Sounds like Shane too. I'm eating healthy. Hey he wants pizza. What the heck?! And without fail we go out to eat every time we but groceries. Grocery shopping is so exhausting we surely can't cook after all that lol.
