Jan 30, 2013

I'm a Runner, HOLLA!

You know what I realized tonight?
I'm a runner.
No, I'm not fast.
No, I can't run far yet.
But I AM a runner.
Want to know why?
Because my legs hurt...and instead of appreciating this break from sweating, it is killing me.
Straight up KILLING me.
I need to sweat.
I need to burn.
I need to run.
Don't get my wrong,
I love to be lazy.
And I'm lazy pretty often.
I've been sick for 3 days.
I can't breath through my nose
{disgusting, I know}
but all I can think about is WHEN CAN I RUN?
Who am I??
I'm not even sure anymore...but I know that I love running.
I love how I can be having the worst day ever and then when I go pound some pavement, it makes me feel better.
Listening to music, thinking about goals, analyzing how I am going to accomplish those goals, motivating myself, imagining how I am going to post a fast pace on IG, and just having time to think.
Running is my jam.
I've always loved sports.
I mean LOVED sports.
In high school, I played volleyball, basketball, softball, and tennis.
I even cheered once or twice but only so I could ride the bus to football games.
I was always active, it was like breathing to me.
Then came college.
I still played sports, I was still active.....
but after college, I lost myself.
I became a Mom, a wife, a student again, and I lost myself.
It wasn't about me. Ever.
I'm still a mom and a wife and now a career woman....and it's SO EASY as a mom to lose yourself.
To not make time for yourself.
To do that load of laundry or those dishes instead of going for a run.
To sweep the floor instead of making it to that class at the gym.
For one rest day to turn into months.
If making you happy leaves a few dishes in the sink, who cares?
I'm teaching my kids that it's good to be active.
My kids may not have a mom that fits into a size 4 jeans, but they know that Mom runs and goes to the gym and pays attention to calories.
They are learning from me.
And when I run, I'm happier.
Which makes me a better mom.
Isn't that what we all want to be anyways?
I have my first 10K next Saturday.
I should be scared.
I should be worried about not finishing....
but instead, all I can think about is making sure I can breath through my nose by then so that I can run.
I don't need a pair of high heels to make me feel like a woman, my running shoes make me feel like Superwoman and I don't even have to remove my cape when I get home to do the Mom gig.
Are you a runner?
Do you even realize it yet?
Or are you just starting out?
I read an interesting blog post here that some of you might enjoy reading...just thought I would share.
Here's to hoping I am back to rockstar status and can run soon!

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  1. Absolutely .LOVE. this post!
    I was notorious for diets, losing 20 lbs, falling off the wagon, and gaining all my weight plus sum back. Then I made the decision to seriously change my life. When I started my journey I weighed 302 pounds (I just gave birth to my youngest daughter). At that time I couldn't even walk a mile without being exhausted. But I was determined to change. I had to. My life depended on it and I NEVER want my daughters to face the weight struggles I have had so I had to be a role model to them! Today I am 54 pounds later and have signed up for my first 5k on March 30. I have fallen in love with running. I don't get the chance to get outside to run, but I have a treadmill and absolutely love pounding out the miles on that thing. Today I did my best time, 5k in 39:58. I am so proud of that. 54 pounds ago running was a dream and now it's a reality!

    You are so absolutely right about teaching your children to be active and pay attention to food. We are the ones giving them a foundation to healthy habits for the rest of their lives. I love that I am now giving my girls that foundation!

  2. I really love this post too :) Good luck and I hope you feel better - Im trying to teach my daughter the same things :) I am just starting out but I ran today and as much as it hurt - finishing felt better :)

  3. I love this post. I love that you are showing your girls the importance of exercise and healthy eating. The other day my sister was telling someone that I was a runner. I was so proud. That's not something I ever imagined I could be.

  4. This makes me so happy! I was just getting into a running groove when I got a cold and my legs have been jittery to get back out there. I walked with my friend today so I feel better but I am going to go pound some pavement tomorrow. I know you've got that 10k in the bag! Go girl! :)

  5. Duh! You are totally a runner! You motivated me to run! I love this post!

  6. I remember reading a post of a friend's about a year ago when she realized she was a runner. I am not a runner, but I loved hers and love this.

    And I'm so glad you're teaching your kids the importance of being active. I wish everyone was doing that!

    I've gotten back on the exercise horse in a serious way the last two weeks, and I feel so much better already.

  7. Love this post! Can't wait to hear about your 10k!

  8. Omg the katniss picture just became my new focal point during a work out. I love you hahaha

  9. I think I just realized not too long ago that I am, in fact, a runner. It only took me 6 months. :) Good luck on your 10K!

  10. Good post. I like the comment about not needing heels to feel like a woman. Sometimes I do feel like I need to be Superwoman to keep up with Bennett. Hopefully, getting back in shape will help reach my goal of being a better mom too.

  11. Great post! I recently decided I was a runner as well :)

  12. Good post! I'm a runner now as well :) It took me a while to realize it, but that's what I am. I'm certainly not fast, but I can do it!

  13. This is a great post. I would call myself a runner too, even if I don't go far. If you run consistently you are a runner!
