Jan 7, 2013

Where Do Babies Really Come From?

First, I wanted to start off by saying that if you discovered this post because you googled the above title, you should probably move along to your other results because there will be no informative reading going on 'round these parts.

Now, if you're still with me....Hi.

My girls are back home.
They have been out of town with family for about 2 weeks now.
And thank goodness they are home.
I can only blog about my workouts and My Fitness Pal so much....
but K&A, well, they provide me with blogging material every day.

Speaking of which...

I walked in on a conversation they were having yesterday.
And it went something like this:

Kate: "How can she have a baby, she's not even married?"
Because when you have important life questions such as this, you should ALWAYS ask your sister. Who is 9 minutes younger than you.
Alex: "You don't have to be married to have a baby, Kate. You're just SUPPOSE to be."
**in walks Mom (me)**
Kate: "How do you even have a baby anyway?"
Me: Turns around, runs away. "Whaaaaaatttttt??"
Alex: "I know."
Me: "Oh really? You do?" {saying silent prayer cause if she really knows then I might just cry}
Alex: "Yeah, but I can't tell."
Me: "No, please tell us what you know." {still praying.}
Alex: "You know that pad that girls have to wear? Well, if you don't wear it, then you'll have a baby."
Me: "Oh, okay. Well having a baby is something you will learn about when you are MUCH OLDER so let's not worry about that right now. And yes, you do need to be married first."

Subject closed.
For now.

I am so not ready for this.
Like, at all.
Can I just rent them a sex ed video in a couple of years and let them learn that way?
Or lock them in a closet?
Lord knows I'm not sending them to their dad for that talk.

Speaking of their dad, FH and I kinda interrupted a date he was on this weekend.
We were all 4 sitting at the same bar.
I'm really surprised this hasn't happened sooner since we live in a small town but I'm pretty sure most of his dates aren't old enough to sit at the bar.
It was kinda hilarious.
3 years ago, this would have been a tragedy.
Now, it's just funny.
I'm happily married so why would my ex or his date bother me?
I'm pretty sure it was more awkward for him.

In other news, I was at the gym this morning at 5 AM.
Who's proud?
I also have stayed within my calorie count on MFP every single day since I started....ok, so it's only been about a week or so, but that's totally not the point.
I think I've finally got it.
And I think I'm finally going to start seeing results.
And I have finally learned to distract myself from Operation Baby at least for a little while.
I'm sure you heard the announcement that Channing Tatum is going to be a dad.
And I'm sorry to say that (in my best Maury voice) "I am NOT the mother." Even though I know you all thought that I was.

Channing Tatum ain't got nothing on FH though.
{Does that make it better than I mention CT's baby FH? I hope so.}

I'm ready to kick this week off with a bang this Monday.
I'm feeling good and ready to go....even if I do pass out at like 8 o'clock tonight. 60 minutes on the elliptical at 5AM will do that to ya.

Happy Monday Y'all! Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)

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  1. K&A's conversation and A's explanation might be the funniest thing ever! I really feel for you when you have to break it down for them!

  2. My pediatrician gave me a book to read about the Bird and the Bees. It was just enough information to answer their questions. They still thought it was gross. Hopefully, they will both think that for a long time.

  3. Ahaha, their conversation seriously tripped me out and I bet that "double date" was interesting haha.

  4. "but I'm pretty sure most of his dates aren't old enough to sit at the bar"
    I love your sassy butt!

    Woot woot for up at 5am AND to the gym...you go girl!

  5. omg, I never want to have the conversation! But I did hear about a good book to get to go over all the topics. I think I am going to get that book and tell her it's for AR points....

  6. My son is only 4 and his aunt is about to pop and he keeps asking how it comes out. For a while he thought his aunt ate a dinosaur because they showed him an ultrasound and he said it looks like a dinosaur lol.

    btw way to go on getting up and working out at 5!

  7. Happy Monday girl - Elle has started the questioning - should be fun to explain this one to her:)

  8. L, That is hilarious!!! I love it!! Will say a prayer for you for when that conversation actually has to happen. Hopefully (since my oldest is only 4)you will be having the convo first, so you can tell me what I am supposed to say!!

  9. I wouldn't even know how to begin feilding all those questions! Eeek! Congrats on sticking to the goals girl! You will start seeing th e results you want in no time flat! Running into the ex- awkward to the umpteenth degree. Sounds like you handled it well! Happy Monday lady!

  10. Oh my goodness this was hilarious! My parents just kinda threw me into public school-- and that's how I learned about sex and babies. So intimidating to know I have to have that conversation one day!

  11. I love her answer about how people get pregnant! Ha ha ha!!! Love kids. :)

    Way to go on staying on track w/ MFP!!!! And for getting up at 5 to work out! Great way to start the week!

  12. You rock for your 5 a.m. gym time. That's awesome!

    And laughing off what could've been an angsty ex encounter is pretty awesome too.

  13. How cute are K & A? Way to dodge the sex talk bullet! :)

  14. 60 mins on the elliptical?! you go girl. and sex questions...eek

  15. lol I remember when my sister in law was pregnant and my niece asked how you get the baby OUT! Thats another topic that is hard to approach with a 4 year old haha!
