Jan 10, 2013

Nobody Wants to be the Bad Guy

Yesterday, after the gym, all I wanted to do was go home and do this:
Face plant on the couch and not get up until morning.

But in case you haven't heard, I'm a mom so this isn't possible.
So even if I get home from the gym at 6ish, I still have to rush to make dinner and do homework, baths, etc.
I swear I really freaking wonder how some moms have time to go to the gym for more than an hour a night and still get everything done.....

Luckily I have a husband who helps with everything or I would go nuts. BUT K&A seriously think they should eat dinner at like 4:30.

What time do most people eat dinner?
I feel like I get off work way earlier than most people (I get off at 3 normally, but only because I get to work at 6:30) so other people must be cooking dinner later for their families than we do.
But even if the girls have a snack after school, they continue to whine until dinner. Drives me nuts.

Speaking of whining....
Lately I feel like all I do is put on my Mean Mom Pants and I hate those dang pants! Granted, since the girls were away for about 2 weeks, they are still detoxing. Seriously, I understand how teachers feel when kids get back from Christmas break and forgot every single thing their teacher taught them.

It's like they forgot what yes ma'am and yes sir was.
If I hear one more "YEAH" I'm gonna have some grounded kids.

Please and Thank You are not automatic AND THEY TOTALLY SHOULD BE.

Making their bed every morning, making sure their room is clean, and BRUSHING THEIR FREAKING TEETH is something I have to remind them to do now. When I had them perfectly trained on routine before vacation.

It's like all that parenting went down the drain.

Oh, and when they got home, Alex wanted me to help her wash her hair. And do everything else to "help" her.
I asked her who helped her when she was out of town? And if she whined when she was out of town....she told me "No, because I didn't have anybody to whine to...."

Thanks child. I appreciate you holding all your whining in for me.
You shouldn't have. No but really.

The other battle that goes down in our house.
You see, in order for me to get to work so early, I walk out the door like right after the girls wake up. FH is there so no, they aren't all alone.
The girls hate this.
They hate carpool but only in the morning.
They love it in the afternoon when they get to have their BFF over for about 3 hours to play.
But they hate the mornings.
It probably has something to do with the fact that I hurry them up to get ready in the morning and then they still have almost an hour before they are picked up.
And poor Janessa.
If she is one minute late of her normal time, the girls are calling me thinking that she forgot them.
Like this morning, I missed a phone call and had a message that said this:

"Mom, Miss Janessa usually gets here at 7:20 and it's 7:24 now. Thanks, Love you, Bye"

So yeah, they notice if she is 4 minutes late. Even though that's not even late because they don't have to be at school until 7:50.

I hate leaving the girls in the morning when they are whining.
Which is at least every other day.
Are you starting to see a trend here?
I've got some whiny kids....but they get it honest.
My brother and sister nicknamed me "whiney hiney" when I was little.
aka WH.
I would cry for hours when they called me this.

When the girls are whining and I leave, I feel like the worst mom ever.
I also feel like the worst wife ever becuase FH has to try to go to sleep while they are whining. And he is tired y'all. Especially after working all night in the rain, like he did last night.

This makes me feel like a bad guy.
And I don't want to be the bad guy.
I want to tell my kids that yes, they can eat 100 Oreos even though dinner is almost ready.
I want to let them ride their electric scooter out in the rain.
I want to say it's okay if they don't want to go to school, they can stay home. Or they don't have to wear their school uniform. Or that yes, they can have every single super expensive new gadget that you ask for. And no, you don't have to brush your teeth, or take a bath.
I want to hug them instead of spank them.
I want them to watch whatever they want on TV.

But I can't.
Because I'm their mom.
Not their BFF.
And I'm not here to let them do whatever they want.
I'm here to teach them right from wrong.
And sometimes I have to be the bad guy.
One day they will appreciate it. They better.
I know I appreciate my "bad" Mom a million times over now that I'm a grownup.

And for days when I feel like the bad guy, I always have this guy to make it better:

And that text, my friends, is worth more than gold.

"The days are long but the years are short."
No better words have ever been spoken about parenthood.

Happy Thursday Y'all!!!

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  1. You sound like an amazing mommy and that text from the husband is the sweetest! Hope you have a great day!

  2. Okay your husband and his text...major brownie points! I know I have several years ahead of me to enjoy whiney kids so for now I'll take advantage of the quiet. lol

  3. What a sweet text from the hubs! And I hear you on so much of this and only have ONE kid! Sometimes I'd rather cut my own eyeball out than discipline or tell Drew 'no'! I hate when we have to put on our mean mommy pants. :)

  4. Gah mom, so not cool that you can't go in to work at like 8 and still get off at like 3, lol. I hear that from B a lot. She doesn't understand why I can't just work the same hours as you...then I explain if I do that who will take her to school bc they frown on them waiting at the door at 6:30 haha. Never fear though, detoxing will work. Just takes time. Also, that first pic is hilarious! I wish I could sleep that well, lol

  5. I am not sure if the whining ever stops. I whined to mom even after I left home and got married. My kids are starving as soon as they get home and want dinner on the table as soon as I am finished with work. We usually do not eat until 6:30 when my husband gets home. Yours hubs is the sweetest. I love the cocaptain part.

  6. Awwww I'm sorry you're having a rough day! You really struck gold with that hubby lady!

  7. I love your cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. I am now following!


  8. "We are cocaptains" = your husband is awesome.

    It sucks when you're the one holding the line in a lot of situations.

    p.s. I rarely eat dinner before 7:30. I get home after 6, then I have to exercise at home or hit the gym, then do whatever. I'm never sitting down before then. I usually cook most meals on the weekend.

  9. All kids have their rough moments, but in the overall picture, yours are great. You are an awesome mom and FHseems like your perfect cocaptain.

  10. Aww that's super sweet. I know how it feels to be the bad guy. It sucks. Someday hopefully it will get better.

  11. Your husband is so cute! I have a 9 year old that whines ALLLLL the time! The one thing I can say about dinner is plan ahead. Make two dinners at a time and then all they have to do is warm something up the next night. I know this takes extra time but it keeps you from going crazy!!

  12. Today must have been the day for whiny kids... unfortunately hazel isn't old enough for school :(

  13. Awwwww... I know I want to skip work and hold them and eat cookies WITH them at 7 am - but I can't. Love the txt - so sweet.

  14. i would probably be the bad guy. whiny kids dont mix well with my grumpy moods. but you are such a great mom and have such a wonderful husband

  15. What a sweetie :) Good husbands are the best right? :) Try not to worry so much - just because youre being the bad guy doesnt mean they will hate you - or at least I hope not - I had my mean mom pants on this morning too - for some godawful reason my daughter thinks it's ok to hold our door open and wait for me to finish getting ready - UGH! It's so hard being a mom - why didnt anyone ever tell us this! Youre doing a great job :)

  16. Ha ha, that photo is hilarious. That how I felt a few days ago! After 20 months, I can officially say that child raising is the most stressful job I have ever had. It makes me long for the days where my biggest stress inducer was annoying customers complaining about trivial things...Sigh, those were the days...

  17. I know how you feel! Aubree's dad and I have joint custody. It's a hot mess! The week that she is with me it takes a day or so to get her on track and then the next week she goes back to his house. Not that he is a bad dad at all, we just raise her very differently.

  18. Aww that's so sweet and that "Miss Janessa" part is tripping me out lol!
