Aug 24, 2011

What I'm NOT Loving THIS Wednesday

I'm a pretty positive person. In fact, my friends will tell you that I can find the silver lining in just about any situation that you put me in. My Mom's famous words when I was growing up ("it's never as bad as it seems") have stuck with me, I guess. Either way, I'm never really grumpy.......never, meaning not usually, meaning only sometimes, meaning today/this week. So, in keeping with my grumpy mood, here is what I am NOT loving on THIS Wednesday.

I am not loving crutches. Not because I am walking on them. I'm actually not. (Please don't tell my mom or my doctor.) The doctor put me on them for a week, to rest my leg. What the doctor wasn't aware of is that I have 8 year old twins, I live on the second floor, and I get up from my desk at least 300 times a day. They slow me down. And if you know me, you know that I don't do anything at a slow pace. No, the real reason that I am not loving the crutches is that my children LOVE to play on them. And when I say children, I mean all 3 of my children.........see below pic where FH discovered that they double as machine guns. (I almost showed him how they can also double as hitting sticks.) the pics are blurry but you can see how much fun he was having......

I am also not loving the fact that I can't do bootcamp. Just when I find something that I LOVE doing.....but I hope to start again soon.

I am not loving my 9 hour work schedule. It was great during the summer when the girls had no homework so it didn't matter how late we got home. Now it seems like by the time we get home, eat dinner, clean up, homework, and baths, it's time to start all over again. We are working on adjusting to our new schedule, and I know we will make it work.....if we don't the girls and I will start looking like Zombies with black under our eyes from lack of sleep!! I am also not really loving 3rd grade too much. Man, they have a lot of homework. Spread that out between two kids and it's exhausting. We go over their (pretty hard) spelling words so many times that I begin to doubt myself and if I am spelling them right!

I am also not loving that I haven't had time to go to the movies lately. I want to see The Help and so many others....guess I'll just have to wait on Redbox! I am not loving that summer isn't over yet, but my tan sure has ran away as if it's already winter!!

And just so no one thinks I am Oscar the Grouch today, I will tell you what I am loving.....I'm LOVING that me and 2 of my girlfriends are going to a jewelry/purse show this weekend. Be prepared for me to be loving new items next week after shopping with them! And of course, I am loving these silly people.......(and I love Alex too even though she wouldn't let me take her picture!!

PS I'm really not that grumpy at all! I never could be.......nobody likes to see a grumpy face!

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