Aug 17, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Here we go again.....What I'm loving this Wednesday is.....

I'm loving taco soup!!! I made this for dinner and we all four loved it! It tasted great, and I love that it cooked in the crockpot so I wasn't slaving over dinner for hours. FH loved it because it had meat in it and he loves his protein. Plus he loved having the leftovers.

I'm also loving the girls' new tennis shoes. Since this summer they have been telling us that they want "Z shoes". It didn't take me too long to figure out that they meant New Balance tennis shoes. haha. Yes, they know the difference between and N and a Z, but every time they requested them it made me giggle! Kate HAD to have some shoes with orange in them, to go along with her TN Vols obsession. And Alex, of course, needed sparkly shoes. In keeping with their shopping tradition, they both picked out the most expensive ones in the store, that is kind of the norm for them. But they get good use out of tennis shoes so I wasn't complaining (too much, anyways).

Another thing that I am loving right now is my new ice pack and my bottle of Aleve. Bootcamp has finally caught up with me and I have been diagnosed with posterior shin splints. The pain is awful, and I can't run. Sitting on the couch with an ice pack while FH waits on me is actually awesome though. I could get use to it. I am going to see the doctor though and I am hoping he doesn't tell me to lay off the bootcamp......fingers crossed!

I am loving the "hole in our kitchen". Whenever we look at houses, we all four are fond of having an opening in the kitchen so you can see out. Now that we actually have one, we know it is a must in our new house. The girls sit at the "hole" on their bar stools to do homework, eat a snack, tell me about their day, all without getting in my way in the kitchen. (Please note, this is the reason that we like the "hole", it has nothing to do with the fact that I can do dishes and watch Big Brother at the same time. Just so we are clear.) Here's a pic of the girls eating breakfast in their spots.

I am loving that K&A are getting really good at reading. They now will sit in their rooms and read books to themselves. This makes me happy because if you don't know that I love to read, well then, ya don't really know me. I can spend an entire day reading, and I have always hoped they would enjoy it as much as I do.

I am loving that it is almost football season. (And that FH can watch TN football with Kate so that I don't have to......only kidding. kind of.) I am loving that we got these UofM tattoos for when we go to a game this year. It was very unfortunate that they were out of TN tattoos.......

I am loving these wedding colors. And FH approves of them too. Yes, I really am admitting this in the blog world, that I have picked out colors....don't judge me people! You know you would do it too, I'm just the girl that is not afraid to admit it!!

***Please note, as you can see, it's not my fault. Pinterest made me do it.

And of course, as always, I am loving these three!!

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  1. Hope you get fast relief from the shin splints, they are painful! You tell FH that I can get him some UT tattoos if YOU can't find any!!! :)

  2. hahahaha, i will let him know!
