Aug 7, 2011

Back to Reality

School supplies have been purchased, backpacks have been packed, uniforms picked out, and the girls are all tucked in for the night. Tomorrow is the first day of 3rd grade. I'm pretty sure I'm growing a few gray hairs just thinking about it. I can remember the day those little 4 lb babies first came into the world, how I was so anxious for them to start talking and walking, now I pray for time to slow down. It seems like just yesterday I had to do everything for them and now they are way too independent for their own good. 8 going on 18 is what FH says, and he's so right! I thank God for my beautiful, hilarious daughters. They make me laugh til I cry sometimes, and after finally getting them back today after lots of days without them this summer, I've realized how much I've missed them. After running around getting school stuff ready tonight like a chicken with its' head cut off, I told FH that it was back to reality. Back to rushing from work straight to pick them up at school, rushing home to cook dinner, do baths, and help with homework. Gone are the nights of staying up late and going out of town and having freedom every afternoon. Back to school equals back to reality. But what I've realized tonight is that my reality is a dream come true. I couldn't ask for a better life, nor could I ask for better kids or a more amazing man to be my partner in life. I'll forever have a smile on my face as long as FH is beside me and K&A are calling me Momma. Now I better hurry up and get some sleep or my reality is gonna be late for school in the morning!

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