Aug 5, 2011

Fourth of July

It's no secret that the Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays.....and of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that my birthday is four days after this holiday! This year was extra special because we went to a cookout at my friend Erin's Mom's house. I grew up with Erin, but she recently (seems like forever ago) moved out of the state so I don't ever get to see her anymore. It was great seeing Erin and her family, and to introduce them to FH. I spent many many days at this house all throughout my life, so it was great to hang out there again. The kids had a blast, and by kids, I obviously mean FH too. Swimming, eating, and even a watermelon seed spitting contest completed the day. Oh, and you won't believe the pic that J got of FH. I have to give props to her picturing taking skills, and also to FH for doing a flip off the diving board that I never thought he had in him. I'm pretty sure that if he ever says he is getting old, I'm gonna bust out this pic and remind him that he can tuck into a tiny little ball so he can do anything! He also thought I was kidding when I told him that we were all coordinating in red, white, and blue. He now knows I was serious......

As I said before, excuse the quality of some of the pics. Most of these are J's pics that I just copied on my phone. Of course, getting her to email me would be the smartest thing to do....but patience is not my strongest quality. It is what it is.

Just spitting watermelon know, like good ole country people do.

And finally, the funniest pic of the day. I am pretty sure that JH learned a lesson: Never say to an 8 year old: "I don't mind if you get me wet." Lesson. Learned.
Happy Fourth!!! (even though this post didn't make it up until August.....)
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1 comment:

  1. LMAO! I love this post. btw...I love that we were just talking about picasa and this album of mine is saved there, haha

